Saturday 23 June 2012

WWE SmackDown Result (22 June 2012)

- Teddy Long starts things off by saying it’s his pleasure to announce John Laurinaitis has been fired, and Mick Foley is the guest GM. Big Show cuts him off and goes to the ring, and he says he doesn’t care that Johnny got fired because he didn’t care about him. He says he doesn’t care about the fans, and he only cares about his real self, then he congratulates John Cena for winning.
Show says he needed help, but Cena won, and he knows he would crush Cena one-on-one. The fans boo and he says they know it’s true, but he says he is done with Cena and he is putting his name into the Money In The Bank match. Show says there is no man or thing who can beat him, and when he becomes champion it will be as long as he wants. Show says he isn’t doing it for the locker room or the fans, because he is winning for himself and that championship is all his.

Brodus Clay skips his intro and heads straight to the ring, then he tells the Funkadactyls to move while he slides in the ring. Show kicks him as he enters but Brodus responds with a running headbutt, then he punches him in the corner until David Otunga comes out and hits Brodus in his injured knee. Show gets up and kicks him in the leg a few times, then he picks Brodus up and knocks him out while Otunga smiles at ringside. Otunga taunts Brodus while Show leaves, and he says he is going to head to the locker room and call his momma. He says Brodus has fallen and he can’t get up, and he tells the Funkadactyls he will show them how it’s done. Otunga proceeds to dance (horribly) to Brodus’ theme song, then he flexes while Cameron and Naomi watch from ringside.

Ryback vs Frank Venezia & Jared Wachtler

- Typical prematch promo where these guys talk about themselves being stars rising like the temperature is. Ryback comes out and gets surrounded, but he scares Venezia away and throws Wachtler into him. He whips Venezia into the corner, then he catches Wachtler in mid air and powerbombs him into the corner. Ryback slams them down again and powerbombs Venezia onto Wachtler, then he hits the double Muscle Buster for the win.

Winner – Ryback

- Yoshi Tatsu is talking to Mick Foley in the back about Mr. Socko when Vickie Guerrero walks over and excuses herself. She asks Yoshi if he has some sushi to eat, then he says she is an ugly woman and walks away. Vickie tries to go after him but Foley holds her back, and he says it’s a good thing in Japanese culture. She tells Foley that she got word that she is the general manager next week, and she might let him be her assistant. Foley says that is cool, and she says he is supposed to be upset but Foley says he would be on Smackdown two weeks in a row. He tells her he has an idea for an assistant and brings it the Great Khali, then he spins her around and dances with her.

Alberto Del Rio vs Christian

- Alberto elbows Christian in the head and puts him in a headlock, but Christian comes back with a shoulder block. He gets a near fall then Alberto kicks him in the head, and he whips him into the corner and hits an enziguiri. Alberto runs at him but Christian backdrops him over the ropes, then he hits a top rope plancha as we go to a break. When we get back, Christian gets up and breaks an armbar, and he attempts a sunset flip but Alberto drops an elbow. Alberto continues to work on Christian’s arm and gets a near fall, then he punches the back of his shoulder and gets another two count.

Alberto goes to the top turnbuckle but Christian meets him at the top, then he hits him a few times and hits a hurricanrana for a two count. Christian hits a forearm shot and heads up top, but Alberto ducks a crossbody and attempts an enziguiri. Christian ducks and hits a tornado DDT for two, but Alberto surprises him with a jumping armbreaker. Christian hits a missile dropkick and goes for a Killswitch, but Alberto snaps his arm over his shoulder and gets a two count.

Alberto stomps him before going back up top, but Christian once again avoids the attack and calls for a spear. Alberto counters with a kick to the head, then Christian tries to counter with another Killswitch but Alberto shoves him back. Christian tries to kick him through the ropes, but Alberto avoids it and Ricardo distracts him on the apron. Christian goes back up top, but Alberto jumps up and hits an enziguiri, then he rolls over and gets Christian to tap to the Cross Armbreaker. Cody Rhodes runs out after the bell and attacks Christian from behind, then he puts him in an elevated armbar and throws him into the ringpost.

Winner – Alberto Del Rio 

Kane vs Daniel Bryan

- AJ is announced as the special guest timekeeper, then the bell rings and Bryan kicks Kane in the legs a few times. He goes for a crossbody but Kane catches him and slams him down, then he throws him into the ropes and kicks him. Bryan elbows Kane and knocks him to the floor, then Kane avoids a baseball slide kick and clotheslines Bryan. He tries to throw him into the ringpost but Bryan slides out and hits a dropkick, then they get back inside and Bryan gets a near fall. Bryan chokes Kane near the ropes, then he applies a headlock but Kane throws him into the ropes and knees him in the stomach.

Kane knees him in the corner and whips him across the ring, then Bryan kicks him and goes for an early YES! Lock. Kane counters with a side slam, then he goes up top but Bryan dropkicks him on the way down. He kicks Kane in the chest a few times, then Kane chokes him and throws him back but Bryan comes back with another kick. He goes up top but slips and misses Kane, then Kane chokes him in the opposite corner and sets up for a superplex. Bryan fights him off and he hits a missile dropkick for two, then he kicks Kane in the corner. Kane punches Bryan and whips him across the ring, then Bryan runs up the turnbuckles and floats over, but Kane kicks him in the head.

Kane calls for a chokeslam but Bryan counters by taking out his legs, then he kicks Kane in the side of the head for a two count. Bryan goes for a top rope headbutt, but Kane grabs him by the throat on the way down, so Bryan attempts a LeBell Lock. Kane counters that so Bryan applies a front facelock with bodyscissors, and Kane tries to throw him into the corner. He frees himself and Bryan goes for a roll through, then he applies the LeBell Lock and AJ rings the bell while Kane goes for the ropes. The ref says he didn’t tap out, and Bryan and AJ look confused, then Kane avoids a dropkick and chokeslams Bryan for the win. AJ looks in the ring and smiles, then skips away as Kane gets up and stares at her.

Winner – Kane

- Mick Foley comes out and thanks the fans for the response, then he thanks John Laurinaitis for being so lame he got fired. Foley gets a cheap pop for Baltimore, then Heath Slater comes out and says he is protesting. Slater says Cyndi Lauper and Roddy Piper embarrassed him, but Foley says Lauper is a good competitor so he shouldn’t feel bad. Foley tells Slater his opponent is someone to pay attention to, and he introduces Zack Ryder and says Slater may get embarrassed this time.

Heath Slater vs Zack Ryder

- Zack hits a flying forearm and a flapjack for a near fall, then Slater stomps Zack and sends him into the corner. Slater hits a diving neckbreaker for a two count, then he argues with the ref and gets kneed in the face. Zack runs out of the corner and hits a Rough Ryder, then Foley comes back in the ring and fist pumps with him. Foley is shown heading backstage with Zack when Damien Sandow cuts them off and says they are both leading to the demise of WWE. Foley says something about his suit and Zack calls Foley a legend, then Sandow says ‘your welcome’ and leaves.

Winner – Zack Ryder

The Usos vs Prime Time Players (w/ AW)

- Jey ties up with Darren and gets elbowed, but he comes back with a forearm shot and he hits a double elbow with his brother. Jimmy hits him in the corner and holds him so Jey tackles him, then Jimmy gets a near fall. Darren surprises him with a strike and he tags out, then Titus knocks him down and puts him in a headlock. Titus shoves him in the corner but Jimmy comes back with a backdrop, then whips him across the ring and knees him in the head for a near fall.

Darren jumps in and breaks up the pin attempt, then Jey fights with him outside while Jimmy heads up top. AW distracts him and Darren crotches him on the ropes, then Titus picks him up and hits a sitout spinebuster for the win. AW and the Prime Time Playas head backstage talking trash when they run into Primo and Epico, and AW asks what they want. Primo cracks AW in the jaw and they start a brawl, then referees pull them all apart while Rosa screams at them in the background.

Winners – Prime Time Players

- Santino Marella comes out and says he wants to acknowledge the best signs in the crowd, then he makes jokes while he looks at them. He calls a fan (with a Santino shirt and Cobra sleeve) into the ring and she screams when she meets him. She says ‘Cobra’ and the Cobras kiss, then the woman pulls Santino in and makes out with him. Santino faints on the mat while the woman looks ecstatic, then she pokes him and he has a big (lipstick-covered) smile on his face.

Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler (w/ Vickie Guerrero)

- Dolph applies a waistlock but Sheamus counters into one of his own so Dolph backs off and puts him in a headlock. Sheamus also applies a headlock then follows it with a shoulder block and a rolling fireman’s carry for two. Dolph kicks him in the legs and punches him near the ropes, then he dropkicks Sheamus out to the floor. Dolph dives at him but Sheamus catches him in the air, then he hits a fallaway slam into the barricade as we go to a break.

When we get back, Dolph kicks him in the head, but Sheamus throws him out of the ring and into the ring steps. Sheamus picks him up but Vickie starts screaming at him, and the distraction allows Dolph to hit a legdrop bulldog off of the ring steps. Dolph rolls him in and hits a neckbreaker for two, then he follows with an elbow drop for another near fall. He puts Sheamus in a headlock, then Sheamus tries to break it and Dolph catches him with a drop toe hold into the ropes. Dolph hits a dropkck and a neckbreaker, then he puts Sheamus in a front facelock.

Sheamus shoves him in the corner and hits a kneelift, then he goes for White Noise but Dolph counters with a jumping DDT for two. Sheamus fights with Dolph on the apron before heading up top, then he hits him with a forearm shot and hits a shoulder tackle for two. He clubs Dolph on the apron and pulls him back in the ring, then Dolph elbows him a few times and kicks him in the leg. Dolph continues to kick him in the leg, but Sheamus surprises him out of nowhere with a Brogue Kick and he makes the cover.

Winner – Sheamus

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