Thursday 6 June 2013

Video » WWE Main Event » Sheamus Vs. Cesaro, Usos Vs. Rhodes Scholars, Hawkins On TV

Sheamus vs. Antonio Cesaro
They feel each other out and go to mat work. Sheamus goes to a side headlock. Cesaro transitions into a head scissors and they reset. Cesaro sends him in but Sheamus bounces back with a shoulderblock takedown. Cesaro goes behind and takes Sheamus down. Without letting go, Cesaro shows his power by pulling Sheamus back up and hitting a gutwrench slam. Sheamus rolls to the apron and leaps over the top to shoulderblock Cesaro in the ring. Sheamus continues his flurry with strikes in the corner and takes it to Cesaro at ringside. Cesaro gets the advantage back on the apron and he sends Sheamus shoulder-first into the steel post. Cesaro runs down the apron and kicks Sheamus' head right into our living room.
I've been noticing new camera angles in WWE over the past week. They are a refreshing and welcome change. Kevin Dunn's influence as executive producer may be fading. Sheamus is seeing stars on the floor and ringside as we go to break.
We return to action with Cesaro power-slamming Sheamus in the center of the ring. Sheamus kicks out of 2 consecutive covers as we see footage from during the break of Cesaro leaping and double curb-stomping Sheamus on the floor from the apron. Sheamus comes back out of the corner but Cesaro hits a clothesline for 2. Cesaro slaps Sheamus around in the corner and goes to a sleeper as Sheamus fades. Sheamus comes back to life and they trade shots in the center. Sheamus hits the Irish Curse backbreaker as the ref counts both men on the mat. The both make it up and Sheamus goes into a flurry. Sheamus hits his forearm spot in the ropes and sends Cesaro into the post as payback for earlier.
Sheamus flies off the apron with a shoulderblock to the floor. Sheamus sends him back in and they counter each other. Sheamus hits a rolling senton for 2. Sheamus goes up top but Cesaro catches him with an uppercut in mid air for two. That looked impressive. Cesaro flies off the top and drives his knee into Sheamus' face for 2. That looked more impressive. Cesaro locks in a crossface chicken wing and takes it to the mat. Sheamus puts his boot on the bottom rope and the ref forces the break. Cesaro starts to pound Sheamus in the head; Sheamus counters out of the Neutralizer and drops Cesaro across the top turnbuckle. Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick out of the corner and from out of nowhere for the win in a pretty decent television contest.
Winner by pin: Sheamus

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