Saturday 19 January 2013

"Smackdown » Results » January 18th 2013

The show starts with Alberto Del Rio’s Fiesta celebrating his World Title win. They have the ring all decorated and the band is playing. Then Ricardo brings out the new World Champion Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio welcomes everyone to Fiesta Del Rio & says, “Let’s party San Antonio!” He says that he knows that he & the fans haven’t seen eye to eye over the years but they can all agree with him on this. They have to celebrate the fact that the fat jackass Big Show is no longer World Champion. Then out come Dolph Ziggler, Big E Langston & AJ Lee. Dolph says, “Did somebody say Fiesta?” AJ says that she & Big E love a good party and they’re gonna assume they’re invitation got lost some how. Del Rio asks what they’re doing there. This is his party, Ricardo’s party & the fan’s party. Dolph gets in the & says it’s funny Del Rio should say that. It’s funny that Del Rio thinks think that the fans are his friends.
What’s even funnier is Del Rio thinks that he holds the World Title but he doesn’t. What Del Rio does have is a giant target on his head & Dolph is Mr. Money in the Bank. Dolph then says that Del Rio knows more than anyone what that contract means. It means that whenever Dolph sees fit to cash it in Del Rio will be saying adios to that World Title. Del Rio asks Dolph if he really thinks that he can cash in on Del Rio. Dolph says that he will. Then Dolph says tells his associate Big E Langston, “Meet Alberto Del Rio & say hello to his little friend Ricardo.” Big E says to Ricardo, “Que Pasa little man?” Del Rio tells the 3 of them to get out of there right now. Dolph says they’ll go but maybe first Big E will drop Del Rio where he stands, Dolph cashes his MITB contract & he leaves with the World Title. Del Rio tells him to try it & let’s see what happens.
Then out comes Big Show. Dolph says he doesn’t know how good Del Rio is with math but the champ is out numbered. Then out comes Sheamus. Sheamus calls Dolph, “Ziggles”. Then he says he thought he would come out and help with this numbers situation Dolph was talking about.
Sheamus then says that everyone knows that he can’t resist a Fiesta Del Rio (Even though he & Del Rio were feuding over the title when Sheamus was champion just a few months ago, but we’re supposed to forget that) especially when he has so many of his great friends right here. Sheamus tells “Bertie” that he’s not out there to crash his party. He knows they’ve had their differences in the past (Nice to know they mentioned that). Then Sheamus tells Del Rio they beat each other black and blew “Fella”. Sheamus then says that the last time he was there he even tried to steel Del Rio’s car (He actually did steel it). Then Sheamus says that he came out because he wanted to congratulate Del Rio on his epic victory over the giant last week. Sheamus then tells Del Rio that he has no doubt on his mind that Del Rio deserves to be World Champion. Sheamus then says that it would be an honor for him right now to be the first to shake Del Rio’s hand. They shake hands and then Sheamus says to go along with that he would also like to offer his services tonight as a bouncer for this Fiesta to make sure that none of these Muppets get involved in Del Rio’s party. Del Rio thanks Sheamus and then tells him this is a Fiesta. Del Rio doesn’t want anyone fighting. Sheamus says, “What really?” Then Del Rio says, “Maybe just a little bit.”
Then Can you dig it Sucka hits & out comes GM Booker T. Booker says it ain’t goin down like this. Booker gets in the ring and says that tonight this is a Fiesta. Then Booker wants to be serious for a minute (What is he Lance Storm all of a sudden)? Booker tells Big Show that if he ever puts his hand on him again he will ruin Big Show’s day “Sucka.” Then Booker says that there will be a fight tonight. Big Show will team with Dolph & they will face Sheamus & Del Rio. That match will be the tag team main event extravaganza. Then he asks Big Show, Dolph Langston & AJ to leave the Fiesta because they’re not invited. Big Show gets in Booker’s face for a bit and then the heels walk out. Then Booker asks the fans if they’re ready to party.
 Let’s kick this Fiesta Del Rio off right now. Del Rio tells the muchachos to play some music. They play some music and then Del Rio tells Booker to do a Spinnarooni. Booker does that and he & Booker hug. Then Sheamus is about to exit the ring but Del Rio has him come back in. Del Rio puts a sombrero in the middle of the ring & tells Sheamus to do the Mexican hat dance. Sheamus says that no one wants to see him do that. He tells Del Rio that he has a reputation to keep. Del Rio says that they wanna see Sheamus, well pretty much act like a hokey baby face. Then Sheamus says this is a Fiesta & he dances with the Spanish dancer.
Kofi Kingston vs. U.S. Champion Antonio Cesaro.

They traded offense early, with Cesaro eventually tripping Kofi onto the second rope. He hit a gutwrench suplex and a stomp, and then locked in a chin lock. Kofi escaped and hit an elbow, followed by some chops and a drop kick. Kofi rolled up Cesaro, but he reversed and got a two count. Kofi hit SOS and got a two count. Kofi attempted a jumping hurricanrana of the top rope, but Cesaro caught him and hit the Neutralizer for the victory.

Antonio Cesaro defeated Kofi Kingston
- They cut to Miz backstage and Primo, Epico & Rosa are there for some reason. They call Miz Ric Flair’s new side kick. Then they say really a few times. Miz sarcastically says how cleaver that was, using his reallys against him. Miz says this was the first time that they talked in over 2 years & that’s what they say. Rosa says they talk all the time. They were just talking about how much Miz has in common with Ric. It was a short conversation. Primo & Epico say that Flair was a great wrestler & Miz has catchphrases. Miz tells Epico to listen up, but he was talking to Primo. Miz asks who the other guy is. He’s Epico. Miz says that no one cares. He challenges 1 of them to a match tonight. It doesn’t matter which 1. Miz says they should leave it up to than he looks at Rosa and says, “Whatever it is you do.”
Great Khali vs. Tensai

Khali slapped Tensai in the chest a couple of times, per usual. Tensai got aggressive and beat down Khali in the corner. The ref separated them, and Khali caught Tensai with a boot to the face. He followed up with a big chop and got the win.
Khali defeated Tensai 
- Kane & Daniel Bryan are backstage. Daniel doesn’t get why Shelby thought it was a good idea to bring Cody & Sandow into their therapy session Monday on Raw. Then Kane says that speaking of things that aren’t a good idea, what’s with that thing on Cody’s face? Daniel says that some people just don’t get that their facial hair starts to look ridiculous. Kane says, “Tell me about it.” Daniel then asks Kane what he’s trying to say. Kane says nothing. Daniel tells him to say it. Then Kane says no & Daniel says yes. They scream that back & forth at each other for a bit. Then Randy Orton comes in. He’s curious if Kane & Daniel will act like 2nd graders tonight or are they actually interested in delivering some pain to Cody, Sandow & Barrett. Kane says both & walks off. Then Daniel tells Orton that they’re not acting like they’re in second grade. They’re working through their anger issues. Daniel then says that’s something Orton knows a little bit about. Daniel says that he & Kane used to be a lot like Orton, but thanks to Shelby they’re in a better place now. Not only that, they are champions. Daniel asks Orton if he wants to be a champion again. Orton says that he does. Then he says that after he wins the Royal Rumble…Daniel cuts him off & says that tonight is not about the rumble. Orton has to take 1 step at a time. First they win the 6 man tag and then…GROUP HUG! Orton says that he is not much of a hugger. Daniel says that he isn’t yet....
Randy Orton and WWE Tag Team Champions Kane & Daniel Bryan vs. Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow

Orton and Rhodes began, and Randy took control early. He tagged in Kane, who hit a low dropkick for a two count. Kane locked an arm bar and tagged in Bryan, who hit a double axe handle and an arm breaker. Bryan followed up with some kicks. Cody ducked the final kick and tagged in Sandow. Bryan attempted to apply the Yes or No Lock, whatever it’s called this week, but he escaped to the outside…

Sandow stomped on Kane and tagged in Rhodes, who hit some strikes before he tagged Sandow back in. Sandow hit a side Russian Leg Sweep and an elbow, and tagged in Wade Barrett. Barrett worked over Kane in the corner. Kane fought off all three men briefly, but Barrett caught him with his signature sidewalk slam. Barrett tagged in Rhodes and Kane hit some strikes and tagged in Orton. Rhodes tagged in Sandow, who got dominated by Orton. Orton hit clotheslines and his hanging DDT, but Rhodes interfered before he could hit the RKO.

Kane interfered and sent Rhodes from the ring, and Bryan hit a flying Knee on Barrett on the outside. Rhodes snuck in and hit CrossRhodes on Orton, and then Sandow covered, but Kane broke up the tag. Kane sent Rhodes from the ring, and then Sandow dumped Kane to the outside. Orton then hit the RKO on Sandow for the win.
Randy Orton and Team Hell No defeated Wade Barrett and Team Rhodes Scholars
Post match, Kane and Bryan forced a group hug on Orton. Orton looked disgusted, and Bryan cheesed like a moron….
- Time to recap The Rock concert from Monday that was followed by The Rock-CM Punk pull apart brawl.
The Miz vs. Primo

Primo hit a nice shoulder block, and did a Flair strut. Primo continued to stay in control for the opening minutes, hitting a nice knee lift and a low drop kick. He then locked in a chin lock. Miz escaped but only briefly as Primo hit some strikes and a leg drop for a two count. Miz hit some strikes of his own, but got caught with a snap suplex by Primo, who covered for two. Miz fought his way back in with punches in the corner, and then pancaked a charging Primo. Miz rolled through a rollup attempt, and hit a big kick to Primo’s face. He then followed up with a jumping clothesline into the corner, and an axehandle from the top.

Miz went for a skull crushing finale, but Epico distracted him. Primo then went for a figure four, but Miz kicked him away into Epico. Miz then applied his own figure four and got the tap.

The Miz defeated Primo
- Kaitlyn, Layla & Alicia Fox are backstage. Alicia tells Kaitlyn that the Divas title looks good on her. The yap for a bit, Layla hold the belt for some reason. Then Kaitlyn says that she has to get to her match. She asks Layla to give her the belt back. Layla gives it back and then Booker T & Teddy Long come by. Booker wanted to congratulate Kaitlyn. He says that she rocked the city. “H Town.” Long congratulated Kaitlyn too. He’s also really happy that she made Eve quit after what she did to him. Long asks Booker what he’s laughing about. Kaitlyn says she has to get ready for her match.  
Divas Champion Kaitlyn vs. Aksana

Aksana offered a handshake and then pushed Kaitlyn. They tied up and Kaitlyn took Aksana down for a waist lock and spanked her. She then hit a snap suplex and covered for a two count. Aksana tripped up Kaitlyn and she rolled to the apron. Kaitlyn hit an elbow from the apron and climbed to the top rope, but Aksana pushed her off to the floor.

Akana rolled Kaitlyn back into the ring and applied a chin lock for way too long. Kaitlyn eventually elbowed out, but Kaitlyn pushed her down and they rolled on the ground pulling hair. Aksana hit a few boots in the corner, and the ref separated them. She worked around the ref and hit Kaitlyn a few more times, and the ref separated them again. Aksana wasted too much time arguing with the ref, and took a spear from Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn then covered for the win.
Kaitlyn defeated Aksana
-They show a video package on Mick Foley’s career. This was good. Mick is without a doubt a well deserving first ballot Hall of Famer!
- Time for promo from The Shield. Ambrose: Attention WWE Universe. Rollins: Attention Sheamus. Ambrose: Attention Randy Orton. Reigns: Attention Ryback. Rollins: We are the Shield. Ambrose: On January 14 The Shield crashed Mick Foley’s Hall of Fame announcement and not for nothing but on behalf of all the broken bodies and broken dreams he left in the wake of his Hall of Fame career. Rollins: We spoiled the celebration in the name of justice. Ambrose: Mick you may live denial for the rest of your life. You may deny responsibility for the example set for all the would be super stars, all those kids who sacrificed their bodies in the name of being hardcore. Reigns: Either way we hold you accountable. Rollins: Everyone is accountable. Ryback was held accountable. And now Ryback you want back what we took from you? Reigns: What’s done is done. You’ll never get it back. Rollins: Randy Orton (then he laughs). Ambrose: Randy there are 206 bones in the human body. There are 206 bones in your body. We broke 1. Reigns: We’re just getting started. Rollins: And Sheamus, you like to fight for fun hey Fella? Reigns: We fight for justice. Then they each say their names. Ambrose: All of you, you will believe. Rollins: Believe in The Shield. Reigns: BELIEVE IN THE SHIELD!
- Randy Orton is watching the monitor in his dressing room & then Sheamus comes in. Sheamus says, “Isn’t it funny how The Shield acts so tough when their hidden somewhere in the building where no one can find them?” Then Orton says he doesn’t really find The Shield that funny. He doesn’t think it’s funny how they injured his shoulder and they sure weren’t laughing Wednesday. Sheamus tells Orton that he is sorry that he’s sorry he wasn’t there to help him out Wednesday like he was Monday. Then Orton says that he doesn’t need Sheamus’ help. Sheamus then sarcastically says that Orton’s doing such a great job fighting off The Shield Monday on Raw from his back. Orton says that is why he likes Sheamus because he always has an answer for everything. Orton then says that what will be interesting is that in 2 weeks at the Royal Rumble, Orton needs this win & he’s gonna get it. While Sheamus might have an answer for everything Orton assures Sheamus that he will have no answer for him. This was a good bit. I thought the tension between the 2 here was well done. I still say they should team up with Ryback and face The Shield in a war games Elimination Chamber match, Sheamus & Orton can have more dissention and that can build to their match at WrestleMania.
World Champion Alberto Del Rio & Sheamus vs. Big Show & Dolph Ziggler.

 Ziggler started with an arm bar, but Del Rio reversed acrobatically. Ziggler hit some strikes in the corner. Del Rio avoided a charging Ziggler and hit a body slam. Del Rio pancaked Ziggler and made a tag to Sheamus. He hit a long hanging vertical suplex, and made a cover for two. Ziggler slipped out of an attempt at a rolling senton and tagged the Big Show.

Show entered and basically mugged Sheamus, hitting him with a flurry of strikes and tossed him from the ring. Big E attempted to run Sheamus into the post, but Sheamus avoided it and the ref noticed and ejected Big E. AJ then argued the ejection, and got sent to the back herself. Ziggler has the worst sidekicks in recorded history…

Ziggler hit a kick to Del Rio, but ate an absolutely awesome German Suplex. Del Rio tagged in Sheamus, who went up top, but got dumped to the floor by Big Show. Ziggler went to work on Sheamus as soon as he crawled back into the ring. Big Show tagged in and dropped an elbow on Sheamus’ knee. Big Show continued to work power, and stepped on Sheamus’ back with both feet. He then worked over Sheamus’ knee. Sheamus escaped the hold by hitting clubbing blows to Show’s chest. Sheamus attempted a tag, but Show dropped an elbow before he could get to his corner.

Show hit a vicious looking knee to Sheamus’s face, and covered for a very close near fall. Show climbed to the second rope and hit a Vader Splash, but only got a near fall. Show tried again, but missed. Both men made tags, and Del Rio hit a huge superkick to a kneeling Del Rio for a near fall. He then locked in the Cross Arm Breaker, but Sheamus broke it up. Sheamus re-entered and hit White Noise on Big Show. Del Rio then hit an Enziguri to knock show off the apron, and dumped a bucket of water on him. Big Show then left in anger, and they won via count out.
Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus defeated Dolph ZIggler and Big Show

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