Friday 4 January 2013

[WWE SMACKDOWN] Results & Photos '' 4 JANUARY 2013''

- The show starts with Randy Orton coming to the ring. He says that since tonight is the first Smackdown of 2013 and since it seems to be the thing to do to make new years resolutions, he will make this short and sweet. He wants to be World Champion. Not too long ago Smackdown was his show. Lately that doesn’t seem to be the case, but he has a way to fix all that. Tonight he officially announces his entering in the Royal Rumble. Then out comes Sheamus.
- He’s sorry to cut Orton off, “Fella.” Sheamus says he knows what Orton’s thinking. That Sheamus is out there to steel his thunder but that’s not the case al all. Sheamus was planning to do the exact same thing as Orton. 2013 is a new year and more than anything Sheamus also wants to be World Champion. Then Sheamus says that he will also be in the Royal Rumble. That’s not the only reason Sheamus is out there. He wanted to thank Orton for helping him out against The Shield on Monday night. Not that he was asking for Orton’s help. Then Orton asks Sheamus if he thought he came out to help Sheamus.
- Orton then says that a month ago The Shield attacked and they tried to put him out. Orton did that for himself. Orton says it’s everyman for himself at the rumble and at the rumble it will be about Orton, not Sheamus. Sheamus knows how the rumble works and he mentions that he won it last year. Orton remembers which is why it will be extra special when Orton eliminates the former rumble winner.
- Sheamus then says that it has been a year since the last rumble and he’s very sketchy on this. Sheamus then says that if he Brogue Kicks Orton’s head over the top rope and Orton’s body stays in the ring does that count as elimination?
- Then out comes Big Show. He was sitting in the back listening to the 2 of them yapping back and forth about them entering and winning the rumble and both guys wanting to be World Champion. Sheamus & Orton both think that that if they win the rumble they will get a chance at the World Title. If Orton or Sheamus survive the rumble all they’ll get a shot at is Big Show’s fist. Big Show tells Sheamus that Sheamus’ 2013 will be just like his 2012, with Big Show knocking him out. As far as Orton goes, he can come on over and take a try. Big Show will be happy to step on the snake. He has a size 18 boot and he will grind that snake right into the ground. Whether Sheamus & Orton like to admit it or not Big Show is the world’s largest athlete & the most dominant World Champion the WWE has ever seen. He is a giant. Neither 1 of them…
- Then Antonio Cesaro comes out. He says that they’re typical Americans (Even though Sheamus is from Ireland). Talking about who will beat up who. Sheamus mentions that he is from Ireland. Cesaro says that’s even worse. Where Cesaro comes from, Switzerland, they don’t just talk, they take action. Which is why for months he has been coming out and talking about soft, lazy, fat, no not fat. Grotesquely obese Americans. Something everyone should realize by just looking in the mirror but no one does. The truth is the truth. Orton then says how about this fat; soft, lazy American heads up the ramp and gives both Cesaro & Show an RKO right now.
- Cue Booker T’s music and out he comes. He says that it’s obvious to him that these 4 guys don’t like each other. Big Show says that he doesn’t like anybody. Booker says that tonight Big Show & Cesaro will have to find a way to get along, because they will team up tonight to face Randy Orton & Sheamus. Booker says that tonight in Richmond they’ll kick the new year off with a bang “Now can you dig that, sucka!?”
The Miz vs. Heath Slater.

Wristlock by The Miz to open up, followed by a nice drop kick. The Miz then applied a chin lock. They worked in and out of the chin lock spot for a bit until Slater punched his way out. Miz got the better of the punch and kick contest and slapped the chin lock back on. Slater managed to reverse, but Miz sent him to the mat when he powered out. Miz mocked 3MB with a bit of air guitar and poked Slater in the eye while McIntrye berated the ref. McIntyre grabbed Miz’s boot and then Jinder Mahal jawed with the ref, which got them both ejected. Miz rolled up Slater after the ejection and got a close near fall…

Slater stomped Miz in the corner and jawed with the ref. Miz charged out and fired back up. He hit a clothesline and lined up for another, but Slater escaped to the floor. Slater got stupid again and jawed with the crowd, which allowed Miz to hit a clothesline on the outside. Miz then dropped Slater on the barricade, and organized an Awesome chant on the outside. Slater sent Miz into the post, and then applied a hammerlock.

Slater worked the arm a bit and reapplied arm bar. Miz escaped and got a rollup for two, but Slater popped up and levelled him with a kick. Back on offense, Slater wrapped the Miz’s arm around the bottom rope. The ref broke it up, and the Miz snuck under the bottom rope and hit another pinning attempt for a near fall. Slater hit another kick and did some air guitar, which gave Miz enough time to recover. Miz fired back with a knee lift, but Slater reversed an irish whip and sent Miz into the corner. Slater rolled outside and wrapped Miz’s arm around the post.

Miz hit a back suplex to escape a wrist lock, and then both men traded strikes with The Miz getting the better of it. Miz hit a string of offense, and went for a neck breaker, but Slater pushed him into the corner and hit a neck breaker of his own. Slater then missed a dive into the corner, and Miz capitalized with a running clothesline. He then followed up with a double axe handle from the top, and hit the Skull Crushing Finale for the win.

The Miz defeated Heath Slater
- They reshow Wade Barrett beating Kofi Kingston for the Intercontinental Title from Raw.

- Matt Striker is backstage with Wade Barrett. He congratulates Wade on winning the title. He wants to take Wade back to Main Event. Barrett says he doesn’t care where Striker wants to take him to. The story is very simple. Wade Barrett is the new Intercontinental Champion. He says that’s not good enough for the media types because they need a little bit of scandal. They need to try and tare him down just everyone else. Barrett asks if you want some scandal then have a look at the real Kofi Kingston. The Kofi who this past week on Main Event attacked him from behind after Barrett had already beaten 3 guys. It didn’t work then and it won’t work tonight either. Barrett says that he will defeat Kofi and when he does then Kofi is out of options, out of chances and out of luck. The fans and media can Tweet or TOUT about. They can do whatever they want to do. When he defeats Kofi Kingston tonight he will walk away and remain Intercontinental Champion.
Great Khali, Hornswoggle & Natalya vs. Primo, Epico & Rosa Mendes.

Rosa and Natalya tied up early. Nattie went for the sharpshooter, but Rosa kicked her in the head and tagged out to Epico. Nattie tagged in Khali, and Epico immediately bailed and tagged in Primo. Khali ragdolled Primo around a bit and then slapped him in the chest. Hornswoggle then tagged in and slapped Primo in the chest. Hornswoggle then kicked Primo in the knee and hit a stunner, and then did the same to Epico.

Epico tagged in again and hit a drop kick on Hornswoggle. Hornswoggle manage to hit a head butt to the chest and a punch on Epico and snuck between his legs to tag Khali. Khali smashed Epico in the corner and Primo ran and got swatted away to the outside. Khali then hit a big chop and it was over.

Natalya, Khali, and Hornswoggle defeated Rosa, Primo, and Epico
- Matt Striker is backstage with Kofi Kingston. Striker mentions that Kofi lost the Intercontinental Title to Wade Barrett on Raw. Then Kofi got some revenge by beating Barrett on Main Event in a gauntlet match. He asks Kofi if he feels this momentum can carry him to a win tonight. Kofi says this has nothing to do with momentum. He knew that he was going to challenge Barrett long before he beat him on Main Event. It was the second that Wade stood in the middle of the ring with Kofi’s Intercontinental Title raised high in the air, Kofi admits that Wade got the best of him and it cost him the title. This might be Kofi’s last shot. His back is truly up against the wall but this isn’t anything new. He’s had his back up against the wall his entire life but he always comes up fighting. Tonight will be no different as he fights to become Intercontinental Champion 1 more time. Wade can say that Kofi is running out of time and options. Tonight Wade is going to run into Trouble in Paradise.

- They show Wade Barrett beating Yoshi Tatsu, JTG & Justin Gabriel before losing to Kofi Kingston in the gauntlet match from Main Event.
Kofi Kingston vs. Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett for the Title.

Kofi backed Barrett into a corner, but the ref backed him up. They traded blows all over the ring, and then Kofi applied a wrist lock. Barrett escaped and ran the ropes, and Kofi jumped out of his way a few times and eventually hit a wheel kick. Barrett rolled out side to buy time, but Kofi followed and sent him into the stairs.

Kofi hit a springboard punch on Barrett, but Barrett recovered quickly and sent him hard into the corner. Barrett followed up with punches to the ribs and a short arm clothesline for a two count. Kofi ducked a punch and hit a backslide for a two count. He then tried a couple of different rollups that got two counts as well. Barrett charged at Kofi and got dumped to the outside. Kofi then followed up with a splash over the top rope. Barrett sent Kofi into the apron and then back into the ring. Barrett tried to milk the ref count to get himself counted out, but Kofi threw him back in last second…

Barrett landed a power clothesline and applied a chin lock in Kingston. Kofi worked his way out and traded blows with Barrett, who got the better of the trade and hit a knee lift and a top rope elbow on Kingston. Barrett tied up Kofi in the ropes and hit some knees, followed by a boot that sent Kofi out to the floor. Kofi answered the ten count at nine, and Barrett resumed beating him up. Barrett hit some strikes and knees and lifted Kofi to the top rope. He then attempted a superplex, but Kofi knocked him back in to the ring and hit a splash for a near fall.

They both traded more punches, and Barrett sent Kofi into the corner. Kofi hit a wheelbarrow kick, followed by the SOS for a near fall. Kofi then hit another kick to the head and a boom drop. He then fired up for trouble in paradise, but Barrett avoided and hit a sidewalk slam for a near fall. Kofi avoided a clothesline and hit Trouble in Paradise, but Barrett rolled out of the ring. Kofi struggled to get Barrett back in the ring, and could only get a two count. A moment later, Barrett went for the Bull Hammer, but he missed when Kofi jumped to the second rope. Kofi dove at him, and got caught with the elbow on the way back. Barrett covered for the three count.

Wade Barrett defeated Kofi Kingston 

Layla vs. Tamina Snuka

They tied up to begin, with Tamina pushing Layla out to the floor between the ropes. Tamina then rammed Layla into the barricade. Layla tried for a rollup, but only got a one count. Tamina rubbed some of Layla’s fake tanner off on the mat, and then locked in a chinlock with Layla in the splits position. Tamina tried another cover, but only got two. Layla fought back with some kicks and a facebuster to gain some momentum.

Layla went for LOL out of the corner, but Tamina caught her and hit a Samoan Drop. Tamina then climbed to the top and hit the Superfly Splash for the three count.
Tamina defeated Layla at 3:18
- Time for the Raw Rebound

- They announce that The Rock will be on Raw this week.

Sheamus & Randy Orton vs. World Champion Big Show & U.S. Champion Antonio Cesaro

Cesaro and Sheamus started out and tied up. Cesaro held a head lock briefly and hit a stiff shoulder block. Sheamus fired back with two shoulder blocks of his own and tagged in Orton. Orton hit a European uppercut and a vertical suplex for a two count. Sheamus tagged back in and ate a back elbow from Cesaro. They traded blows with Sheamus getting the better of it. Orton tagged back in and floored Cesaro with a European uppercut. Rapid tags now, with Cesaro finally getting some strikes in on Sheamus and making a tag to Big Show.

Show hit some headbutts and sent Sheamus to the mat. Show went to knock Orton off the apron, but missed wildly. Orton and Sheamus double clotheslined Big Show over the top rope, and Cesaro bailed to the floor to check on him…

Sheamus hit clubbing blows to the chest of Cesaro on the apron, and then suplexed him back into the ring for a two count. Show hit a blind tag on Cesaro. Sheamus clotheslined Cesaro, but ate a big spear from Big Show. Show worked power offense on Sheamus. He hit a body slam and a big elbow for a two count.

Sheamus avoided a Big Show splash in the corner, but got caught with a chokeslam for a very close near fall. Show lined up for the KO Punch, but Sheamus ducked and hit a Brogue Kick to the side of his head. Both men tagged and Orton cleaned Cesaro’s clock with clotheslines. He then went for a hanging DDT, but Cesaro avoided it. Sheamus tagged Orton when he didn’t want him to, and hit White Noise on Cesaro. Orton was not happy about it at ringside.

The crowd chanted for the Brogue Kick, and Sheamus fired up for it. Orton slipped in and hit the RKO, and Sheamus looked at him dumbfounded. Sheamus went for the pin and got the three. Both men stared each other down after the match.
Randy Orton and Sheamus defeated Antonio Cesaro and Big Show

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