Friday 11 January 2013

WWE - [Smackdown Result & Photos] January 11th 2013

The WWE Narrator put over The Rock’s return to Smackdown after 10 years, and also spoke about Alberto Del Rio’s focus on the World Heavyweight Championship. Lilian Garcia stood in the ring and introduced Booker T. Mathews put over the fact that rumors have been swirling about a major Booker T announcement all week. Booker welcomed the crowd to Smackdown, and promised 2013 would start off with a bang. He said Raw was off the hook this week, but he knew Smackdown could do better.

Booker said the way he saw it, Raw gave fans Ziggler vs. Cena, so he was going to give them Antonio Cesaro vs. Randy Orton. He then said Raw delivered the great one, but Booker said he would also give them The Rock inside the ring. Booker then said he would give the fans and World Heavyweight Championship match between Booker T and Alberto Del Rio, and it would be a Last Man Standing Match. Big Show then charged his way down to the ring and told Booker the title match was a horrible idea. Show grabbed a mic and accused Booker of having a personal vendetta.
Show asked him if he was bitter that he was retired and Show was not? He then asked what problem Booker had with him as champion. Show then said he only made that match because they were in Miami, and he wanted to give the latino fans a reason to get behind Alberto Del Rio. He then went on an odd racially charged promo about how there are no Latino Heroes, and that the inferior people of Miami didn’t deserve a hero or a title match. Just as Show was threatening Booker T physically, Del Rio made his way down to the ring and cleared Show to the outside with kicks.
They then showed a highlight from September 13th, 2001, where The Rock defeated Sean Stasiak in about 10 seconds. They will be showing more highlights of The Rock on Smackdown throughout the show. They also said a CM Punk pipe bomb would air, and said Orton vs. Cesaro is next…
As Antonio Cesaro comes to the ring they go to the promo box. Cesaro says that unlike typical Americans who just wait for a handout he takes advantage of the opportunities that this country has given him. He says that he will enter & win the Royal Rumble. To all the Americans with their lack of drive, ability & self respect, like Randy Orton, or his Royal Rumble opponents he says thank you and he proudly waves the American flag. Then he chants USA.
Randy Orton vs Antonio Cesaro

They traded punches and kicks early. Orton dumped Cesaro to the outside and followed up with a huge clothesline on the floor. Orton re-entered the ring…

Cesaro worked a chin lock mid ring, but it didn’t last as Orton elbowed out. Cesaro hit a clothesline and covered for two. He then picked up Orton in a gut wrench and tossed him over for a suplex. He followed up with a pin for another two count. Cesaro continued the assault in the corner with punches and kicks, and then went back to a chin lock. He then tossed Orton into the corner and charged, but Orton avoided and rolled him up for two.

Cesaro regrouped and hit a clothesline of his own, and then taunted Orton with a paintbrush slap to the back of the head. Orton responded and fired up with a clothesline and a powerslam. Cesaro counted an Orton charge by pressing him into the air and hitting a European uppercut. Orton recovered and hit an inverted backbreaker. He then hit a hung DDT, and fired up the crowd for an RKO. Just as Cesaro recovered, The Shield interfered and put a beating on Orton, including a three man powerbomb…
Randy Orton defeated Antonio Cesaro by DQ
- Backstage Matt Striker is with 3MB. Striker says that on Raw they announced that they will enter the Royal Rumble. Drew says they’ve officially been added to the 3MB world tour Royal Rumble match. Jinder says that 3MB will rock when it rolls into Phoenix. Heath says they’re 30 guys in the rumble but there’re 3 of them. His mom said they have a 10% chance of winning the rumble and going on to headline WrestleMania. Then Drew says that they have a certain Irish tenor to tend to. Jinder says that what Sheamus pulled on Raw was way out of tune. Then Heath says they will beat Sheamus like an Irish drum. This was lame. I guess since The Shield took out Orton they’re not looking to get back at him too.
They show a video of CM Punk & Paul Heyman on a football field. Punk asks if this place looks familiar to The Rock. Of course it does because this is the Sun Life Stadium, the home of WrestleMania 28 where Rock had his last match last year. It also happens to be the home of the University of Miami football team. Punk’s sure that everyone around the world, Rock included thinks that based off of what happened to them in the ring Monday night that Punk will ruin Rock’s little homecoming and say horrible things about Rock & his family and spit some venom Rock’s way. That couldn’t be further from the truth. He’s actually a huge fan of The Rock’s. Especially Rock’s college football career. Then he shows that he’s holding Rock’s football jersey with his name Johnson on it. He puts on jersey # 94.

Heyman says it looks good. Then Punk says it’s a little known fact that he is a huge college football aficionado. He wanted to come to the place where The Rock played college ball. Except this is the Sun Life Stadium and Rock never played there. Rock played his home games in the Orange Bowl. Punk mentions they tore down the Orange Bowl. Heyman says they laid the Smackdown on the Orange Bowl. Punk then says that the place where Rock lived his college football glory days is gone. Punk says that’s a hell of a metaphor because the place Rock lived his sports entertainment glory years is gone too. This isn’t the WWE Rock knows and loves. This isn’t the WWE Rock dominated. This is Punk’s house now.

This is CM Punk’s WWE. They live in the CM Punk era. Rock doesn’t have a future in WWE as long as Punk is his opponent. He doesn’t want to ruin Rock’s day. He knows that Rock is surrounded by loved ones. He wants Rock to hug & kiss everybody and have a good time. Punk likes a feel good moment just as much as the next guy. Except that he likes to snatch them out of the air and likes to break them apart with his bare hands. He wants Rock to remember that when he steps in the ring with him at the Royal Rumble. Punk knows that WWE is making a big deal out of Rock’s return home to Miami.

They’re trumpeting Rock’s return to his show Smackdown fir the first in 10 years and Punk knows without a doubt that Rock will stand in the people’s ring with the people’s microphone in front of his friends & family & Rock will say finally The Rock has come back to Miami. Punk tells Rock to understand that while he can come back to Miami, he truthfully wants Rock to know that he can never go home
- Alberto Del Rio & Ricardo Rodriguez are in the locker room. Matt Striker comes in and wants Del Rio’s reaction to what happened earlier tonight in the ring as well as the fact that he will be competing in a last man standing match for the World Title tonight. Del Rio says that Big Show is the most insecure person in the world. First he bullies Del Rio’s amigo Ricardo and then Show goes and lowers himself by running down Del Rio’s people. Del Rio says that Big Show doesn’t know anything about the Latino community. Tonight he will make sure Big Show gets a perfect picture of what La Familia means. AT the end of the night the last man standing in that ring will be a Latino. His name will be Alberto Del Rio and he will be the new World Champion.

 Great Khali and Natalya vs. Dolph Ziggler and AJ Lee

Lots of ridiculous slaps from Khali onto Ziggler, and then he rolled away and tagged AJ. AJ jumped on Khali, but Natalya pulled her off and slammed the back of her head into the mat. Natalya then went for the Sharpshooter, but AJ bit her knee like a psychopath. Natty continued on offense, but AJ bit her face until the ref broke them up. AJ then hit Sliced Bread from the corner and got the pinfall.
AJ pinned Natalya
- Afterwards Big E Langston clotheslines Khali to the canvas. Then Dolph gives Khali the Famasser. Then Hornswoggle gets in the ring. Dolph & Big E surround him. Hornswoggle looks to get out of the ring but Big E grabs him and gives him his finisher.

- Back to CM Punk & Paul Heyman at Sun Life Stadium. Punk says that Monday night on Raw Rock told him time’s up. Obviously a reference to him being WWE Champion. Rock said it so definitively that Punk believes that Rock actually convinced himself that he thinks that he can beat Punk. As if Rock is some sort of super hero that’s come back to save the people. Punk says the people don’t deserve to be saved. The people can rot in hell because that is what they deserve. Punk is the best in the world. He’s better than the people & he’s better than The Rock. Heyman asks Rock if that bothers him. Heyman gets that Rock’s vision is that he is just as talented as Punk but he’s not. Heyman tells Rock not to take it personally. Punk is not just better than Rock. He is better than everybody. Punk is the best in the world. Heyman gets that Rock’s vision & the people’s vision is that Rock is the conquering hero, and that The Rock is gonna ride into the rumble and beat up the bad guy and then ride back out of town into WrestleMania with the WWE Title. That’s the people’s vision. Heyman then says that Punk has made a career out of stomping out people’s dreams and Punk does not share the people’s vision. In the era of CM Punk it doesn’t matter what Rock’s or the people’s vision is. Punk takes off the jersey and throws it down on the field.


- The Rock comes to the ring and poses on the turnbuckles. The fans chant Rocky. Rock stands in the ring for a bit and the camera zooms in on his right arm. Then Rock says, "Finally The Rock has come back (really long pause) home.” Rock says that this is a very special show and a special night. Rock wants to introduce someone tonight. He’s not only The Rock’s boy. He’s not only a worldwide super star who was Grammy nominated. More importantly then all of that, Miami’s own Flo Rida. They show him in the front row. SO now not only is The Rock back but he is back on a very special show. The Rock is back on a show that was named after him. The Rock is back on his show tonight in front of his home town, Smackdown. “So you can imagine how excited The Rock is to come here tonight in front of his home city, home town. In front of family, in front of friends. The Rock wanted to continue what he just did. On Monday, this past Monday on Raw Rock Bottom in the middle of this ring, People’s Elbow in the middle of this ring. So you can imagine you can imagine how disappointed I was and I know you are too that CM Punk decided not to show up.” Then the fans boo and chant cookie puss. Then Rock says that CM Punk wants to rundown The Rock’s home town, Rock wants to make something perfectly clear to Punk. This is where it all started for The Rock. At the U. On that campus, Green Tree practice field where it all started for The Rock. He mentions how he & his team mates learned about commitment and sacrifice. They played in every major bowl. They became National Champions. Rock tells Punk that everything that The Rock has done in life, everything he’s accomplished all started right here in Miami. Home for The Rock isn’t just being back in Miami, not just on Smackdown. He tells Punk that he can take this to the bank, home for The Rock is this Royal Rumble when The Rock kicks Punk’s cookie puss ass and becomes WWE Champion. Since Punk didn’t want to come to Smackdown to have fun The Rock will have some fun on his own. He asks the Miami fans if they want to have fun tonight.
- Then Damien Sandow’s music hits and he & Cody Rhodes come to the ring. Sandow says, “Allow me to beg your indulgence for 1 moment.” He says that he is the intellectual savior of the unwashed masses and this is his tag team partner and best friend, the essence of mustachioed magnificence, Cody Rhodes. Sandow says that he & Cody are out there not only to help The Rock but to correct him. Cody tells Rock that he is not to become champion. He & Sandow are. Cody mentions that they beat Kane & Daniel Bryan Monday night and they will become Tag Team Champions. All things considered Sandow & Cody don’t think Rock deserves this time. They do. Cody suggests that Rock gets out of the ring before he doesn’t have any choice. Sandow holds the ropes open for Rock & Rock makes like he’s gonna walk out. Then Rock wants to get this straight. Cody & Sandow sauntered down that ramp (The fans say what), got in the ring (what), in the people’s ring (what), on the people’s show (what), Smackdown (what), dressed like this (what), dead caterpillar on Cody’s lip (what). Sandow says that wasn’t funny. Rock says that Cody & Sandow dress like this. That takes a lot of guts. Rock then asks what is on Cody’s face. Cody says that he is an adult. If he wants to grown a mustache, then he will. Then Sandow says that recently he has embarked on a feudal quest to find an apprentice. He has been asking the fans to answer 3 questions correctly. Not surprisingly he hasn’t found 1 that has been able to do so. Then he says that seeing how Rock is the People’s Champion let’s see if he can do what the fans couldn’t. If Rock answers 3 questions correctly he gets to stay in the ring. If he doesn’t he has to leave. Sandow asks Rock what he thinks, or is Rock to intellectually not up to par. Then Rock says, “Like the shirt says, ‘Just Bring It.’” Cody says he doesn’t know if Rock can correctly answer 3 questions since he did go to Miami. Sandow sarcastically congratulates Rock on being able to read. Question number 1. He says, “Silence” to the fans. Then Sandow asks Rock who was the 19th President of the United States? Sandow says that 19 is after 18 and before 20. Rock says that he knows numbers and he tells Sandow to shut his mouth. Rock says that his answer will be an answer that has never been uttered before in the history of Smackdown. “The 19th President of the United States, Rutherford B. Hayes. B**ch.” Sandow says that isn’t what the B stood for but Rock is correct. Rock says, “Oh you’re damn right I’m correct. Listen The Rock knows his 19th Century.” Then he says that just like Sandow’s 19th century beard, his big buggy eyes, Sandow looks like what would’ve happened if Abe Lincoln got busy with a gremlin. Cody then says, “Ok gremlins. Movies, right?” He says that Rock is the big movie star. Rock tells Cody not to feed gremlins after midnight. Then Cody asks Rock what film won the academy award for best picture in 1993? Rock says not the Tooth Fairy (A fan said that apparently). Rock says that’s easy, Shindler’s List. Cody says Rock is right and Rock says, “You’re damn right The Rock is correct.” Rock then says that Cody should know something about lists, since he looks like he spends 20 hours a day on Craig’s list. Rock then says that Lillian is afraid. He tells her not to worry; she can put away her pepper spray. If Cody gets near her Rock will slap that caterpillar right into the 8th row. Then Sandow screams, “Silence!” Time for the final question. Rock cuts Sandow off and says how about this. They asked Rock 2 questions. How about The Rock asks Sandow 1 final question. Since they were so nice to come out and interrupt The Rock in front of his home town he will ask Sandow1 question. If he gets it right he will get an amazing prize from The Rock & from Miami. Then Rock asks Sandow what happens when you combine a geological aggregate of minerals with its lowest form. Sandow says, “That would be you get Rock Bottom. Then Rock says, “Exactly”. Then he gives Sandow the Rock Bottom. Then Cody takes his ring jacket off but Rock gives him a spine buster followed by the People’s Elbow. Rock then says, “If ya smeeeeeeell what The Rock is cookin’”

Sheamus vs. 3MB

Sheamus charged and all 3 guys bailed up the ramp. Sheamus argued with the ref who started a 10 count. All three guys ran towards the ring, but Slater entered and the other two stopped. Slater ate a brogue kick and took a pinfall…
Sheamus defeated 3MB
WWE Tag Team Champions Kane and Daniel Bryan vs. The Primetime Players

The Players took turns taking shots at Daniel Bryan’s injured knee. Bryan finally got his legs up in the corner to hit a charging Titus, and made the tag to Kane. Kane sent Titus out of the ring, and hit Darren Young with a side slam for a two count. The Prime Time Players tried to double team Kane, but Bryan came off the top and hit them both with a knee. Kane then followed up with a chokeslam for the pin.
Team Hell No defeated The Prime Time Players

Alberto Del Rio vs. World Champion Big Show in a Last Man Standing match for the Title

They traded kicks and punches to start, with Show slapping Del Rio in the chest and hitting a body slam to take control. The ref counted to four after the body slam. Del Rio hit a side kick, but couldn’t mount any serious offense. Show hit another slap to the chest, and set up a Table at ring side. Show then pulled Del Rio to ringside and body slammed him onto it. The ref counted to six before Del Rio got up. Show then grabbed a chair from behind the announce booth, and tossed it and Del Rio into the ring.

Del Rio kicked Show in the chest and grabbed the chair from him. He hit him in the back and legs several times with it. Show fell to a knee, but not enough to count him. Del Rio then jabbed Show in the ribs with the chair, but again he just went to a knee. Del Rio went for a cross arm breaker, but Show powered him up over his head. Show went to toss him over the top rope, but Del Rio hung on and locked in the cross arm breaker. Show eventually worked free and Del Rio crashed to the floor. The ref counted to seven before Del Rio got to his feet…

Show and Del Rio traded kicks and punches at ringside. Show eventually tossed Del Rio back in the ring. A moment later, Del Rio drop kicked Big Show through a table that was setup in the corner. Show got up quickly. Del Rio locked Big Show in a sleeper hold for quite a while, and then hit several clotheslines. Show recovered and sent Del Rio into the corner. Del Rio jumped to the top rope and tried a double axe handle, but Show caught him and hit a choke slam. Del Rio answered the ref’s count at eight.

Big Show tossed Del Rio to the outside. He then speared him through the time keepers area. Del Rio stirred and answered the count at nine. Show tossed Del Rio back in the ring and methodically climbed in himself. Show signaled for a KO punch and dropped Del Rio. Alberto rolled off the apron and Del Rio used the ring to hold himself up on the floor to break the ref’s count. Show loosened the ring steps and grabbed the top portion. Show ran at Del Rio, but he avoided and Show ran into the ring post with the steps.

Del Rio grabbed the steps and rammed Show in the shoulder. He then hit him a second and third time, the last of which knocked him down. Del Rio then tipped the announce table over and pushed it on top of Big Show. Del Rio picked himself up to his feet using the ring again, and Show couldn’t answer the ten count. Del Rio wins the World Heavyweight Championship.
Alberto Del Rio defeated The Big Show to win the World Heavyweight Championship

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