Thursday 11 July 2013


Jon Moxley (Dean Ambrose) at the "No Ropes Barbed Wire match" where he defeated Nick Gage for the CZW World Heavyweight Championship (2010) / Photo by Shstrng - Creative Commons License
Jon Moxley (Dean Ambrose) at the "No Ropes Barbed Wire match" where he defeated Nick Gage for the CZW World Heavyweight Championship (2010) / Photo by Shstrng - Creative Commons License
It is unusual for a fighter who just in 2010 was part of the independent wrestling, can in 2013 opened the most important event of the struggle of entertainment such as Wrestlemania.
It is said that WWE key references such as Paul Levesque (HHH) appreciate the performance of Dean Ambrose , calling it "a bright future" and this because of the great impact it has been having, not only as a single competitor, but also as part of The Shield, if it is true, the time it takes as part of the main roster is very short, was enough to arouse more positive reviews than would normally be expected.
But there are detractors who will point out that in the independent scene Ambrose (where it was known as Jon Moxley) never reached the levels of prestige of people like CM Punk, Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan) or Tyler Black (Seth Rollins), as more surprising that his early ascent.
Do they create that former CZW champion really has a promising future and is being hyped by the creative team?

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