Thursday 11 July 2013

Result » Main Event » July 10th 2013

WWE’s Dolph Ziggler’s music hits, and the crowd goes wild! Josh Mathews and The Miz are on commentary this week. Ziggler will face Del Rio at Money in the Bank for the World Heavyweight Championship this Sunday. Cesaro comes out accompanied by Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger. Both Cesaro and Swagger will be competing a ladder match Sunday.
- Colter is on the mic. He says the ladder has been traded in for a lazy-boy recliner, which allows for illegal immigrants to sneak across borders.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Antonio Cesaro

Lock up, sending Ziggler into the corner. Dolph shoves Antonio before locking up again. Cesaro focuses on his left hand. Ziggler gets out and turns it into a headlock. Cesaro is hit with a monkey flip. Dolph is slammed to the ground with a hand lock in place again. Dolph turns things around again with a headlock. Cesaro connects with a shoulder block. Punch to Dolph, and then a headlock. Shoulder block to Ziggler, and they each dodge each other’s moves. Ziggler connects with an arm drag followed by multiple elbow drops. Pin, kickout. Cesaro slips out of the ring.

Cesaro shoulders Ziggler, and slings him to the corner. They trade punches. Cesaro nails a flapjack to the ropes. Dolph’s face is shoved into the ropes. Knees and punches to Ziggler. Dolph connects with a dropkick. Antonio follows it up with a gutwrench suplex, pin and kickout. Another suplex, nearfall. Cesaro throws Ziggler’s head into the top turnbuckle, and then an uppercut for a two-count pin. Antonio applies a mid-section stretch. Ziggler gets out and rolls Cesaro up twice. Cesaro throws Dolph in the air for an uppercut and a nearfall. Cesaro pins again, kickout.

Cesaro hits another gutwrench for a two. Dolph thrown back into the corner for punches. Pin on Ziggler, kickout. Ziggler hits a neckbreaker, pins. Dolph counters a boot with a leg drop. Cesaro pulls off an amazing suplex while Ziggler was on the apron, Cesaro on the top turnbuckle. Cesaro swings Ziggler around by the neck, pin. Ziggler counters the uppercut with a DDT for a nearfall. Dolph dropkicks Swagger off of the apron, uppercut to Dolph for another nearfall. Ziggler nails the Zig-Zag! He goes for the pin, but Swagger interferes for the DQ.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler – by DQ 
- Swagger locks in the Patriot Act outside the ring. Cesaro tries for the neutralizer in the ring, but Ziggler flipped him out of the ring. Dolph jumps over Colter, and showoff on the ramp.

- Mathews and Miz talk about how the rivalry between Cena and Mark Henry escalated on Raw. We get a video showing Henry’s “farewell promo” which leads into highlights of his career and of what happened between them Monday. John Cena will defend the WWE Championship against Mark Henry this Sunday!

- Brodus Clay and Sweet T are on their way out with The Funkadactyls. Six-man tag team action coming up next!

- Rob Van Dam officially returns to in-ring action this Sunday at Money in the Bank.

- Great Khali joins Tons of Funk with Natalya at his side. Their opponents are Heath Slater, and Team Rhodes Scholars. Cody on the mic. They are making an official statement about being in a ladder match this Sunday. They will stand victorious.
Tons of Funk and Khali vs. Slater, Rhodes, and Sandow

Tensai and Cody start. Cody punches Tensai, and then shows off in the ring. Tensai is kicked, and then prevents Rhodes from hitting anything. Sweet T connects with a monkey flip. Rhodes rolls out.

Brodus has Sandow on his shoulders. Rhodes is tagged back in. Clay with some headbutts, Tensai tagged in. Rhodes gets elbowed. Sandow distracts which allows Rhodes to hit Beautiful Disaster. Slater in with several punches and a kick. Pin and kickout. More kicks to Tensai before Sandow is tagged in. Knees and pin to Tensai. Sandow connects with the Elbow of Disdain. More knee drops, for a two. Headlock on Tensai. Tensai powers out with punches, but Sandow counters. Brodus in with clotheslines and a splash into the turnbuckle. Slater is tagged in as Rhodes and Sandow ditch the match. Khali tagged in, hits the big chop for the win.

Winners: Khali and Tons of Funk – by pinfall 
- Miz and Josh talk about the debut of The Wyatt Family on Raw. A vignette airs, which leads to footage of the attack on Kane. Miz says he’s talked to people in the locker room, and the main word they say is eerie. Then they report Kane may not be able to compete in the All-Stars Ladder match at the pay-per-view. Up next is a look at Vickie Guerrero’s job evaluation from Raw.

- Money in the Bank Kickoff: Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns defend their Tag Team titles against The Uso’s.

- Raw Rebound: After arguing about whether Vickie should be made permanent GM or whether they should fire her, the WWE App poll is what will decide her fate. 25% Pass and 75% Fail, Stephanie gives Vickie the two most famous words in WWE history: “You’re fired!”. Vickie begs and begs. Vince is mad and says we are the ones that failed. He hires Brad Maddox as the new Raw General Manager.

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