Thursday 4 July 2013

Result » WWE Main Event » July 3rd 2013

The opening video opened the show. Hey, Santino Marella is still included... Josh Mathews and Cody Rhodes's mustache were on commentary and set up the opening match as ring entrances took place. They also plugged the WWE Championship Money in the Bank match... 
Christian vs. Damien Sandow

Before the match, Sandow quoted "a great man" which turned out to be himself during his pre-match promo. He got good (canned?) heat. Josh noted that Rhodes Scholars would face The Uso Brothers on Smackdown. He asked Cody what the issues were involving he and Sandow, but Cody played dumb and said Sandow is his best friend.

Christian worked up the crowd by clapping his hands and then ran into a shoulderblock that Sandow delivered through the ropes. Christian came back with a dropkick through the ropes that knocked Sandow to the floor. Cody said he might have to do something. However, Christian missed a cross body block attempt on Sandow inside the ring. Christian clotheslined Sandow to the floor and tumbled over with him heading into the break.

After the break, Christian wrapped Sandow's legs around the ring post and looked to the crowd for approval, but Sandow pulled his legs in, causing Christian's face to slam into the post.

Later, Sandow did his you're welcome line as he had Christian lying on the mat. "Thank you," Rhodes responded on commentary. Sandow followed up a short time later with a superplex. However, he walked into a small package that got Christian a two count. They followed up with a double clothesline spot.

Christian hit a reverse DDT for a two count. Cody pointed out that Sandow no longer wears pink trunks. He said that's a sign of his aggression. Later, Sandow charged Christian in the corner and missed. Christian avoided a punch and then pulled him down on the ropes. Christian followed up with the Killswitch for the win...

Christian defeated Damien Sandow 
- Mathews hyped Sin Cara vs. Jack Swagger for after the break...

- A graphic noted that John Cena leads the WWE Facebook network in followers... 

- Ring entrances for the next match took place. Zeb Colter cut a promo on his way to the ring about America and the Fourth of July. He said it should be a day when we honor our forefathers and we are proud to be Americans, but that's not what it is. 
Colter said some Americans have taken the day and turned it into an excuse to put another heart attack hamburger on the grill and party until they don't remember their name. He said while that's happening, people like Sin Cara sneak across the border. He addressed Sin Cara and said he forgot that he doesn't speak English. Colter teased speaking in Spanish, but then told him he thinks he should take the time to learn the language. Swagger delivered the usual We The People line..  
Sin Cara vs. Jack Swagger (w/Zeb Colter)

The bell rang and they went to Sin Cara's mood lighting. Cody questioned whether there's any proof that Sin Cara is here illegally. Sin Cara threw a couple kicks early, but Swagger muscled him into the corner and threw a series of knees to his gut. Swagger dominated the match for a few minutes leading into the break.

Swagger continued to dominate after the break. Sin Cara caught him with a crucifix pin attempt, but Swagger kicked out and came right back with a kick to the face. Sin Cara came back with a kick to Swagger's face from the ring apron and then a cross body block for a two count. He went for another move, but Swagger caught him with a gut wrench powerbomb and applied the Patriot Lock for the win...

Jack Swagger beat Sin Cara by submission
- The announcers hyped The Wyatt Family's debut for Raw and set up a Wyatt Family video...  

- An ad for WWE Main Event aired. Yes, really...

- A Rob Van Dam video package aired to promote his return at Money in the Bank. Cody said he watched RVD "growing up as a kid" and said he was a big fan... 

- Mathews hyped C.M. Punk's "special appearance" on Smackdown. Cody said Punk bleeds Smackdown blue and said he's excited he will appear on the show... 

- A Mark Henry video package aired... 

- A.J. Lee joined the announcers on commentary. Big E Langston made his entrance...  

- A commercial hyped the Wyatt Family debut for Raw...
Big E Langston vs. Curt Hawkins 

Cody asked A.J. if she and Dolph are okay. She said that like most people, you fight and make up. Hawkins wore his hat backwards and a leather biker's cut with his name and Queens on the back. He also wore leather gloves during the match.

Big E Langston defeated Curt Hawkins 
 Hawkins got a little offense during the match, but Langston overpowered him repeatedly and put him away with The Big Ending finisher...   

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