Friday 5 July 2013

Result » Impact Wrestling » 4 July,2013

Austin Aries comes out and says some people love him, but others 
Impact Wrestlinghate him, and the fact is that now everyone has to respect him. Aries says he fooled people and created some controversy, and he's the guy who created 'option C,' and won the World Heavyweight Championship. He says it already worked, so you can bet he's cashing in again at Destination X, and he wants Hulk Hogan to come to the ring so he can make this all official. Hulk joins him in the ring and Aries hands him the title, then Hulk thanks him and says Aries created a lot of things, and he's taken things to all-time highs, and lows.
Hulk says Aries went too far and took someone else's gimmick, and he's in charge so he decided 'option C' will happen at the end of the night. Hulk says they will have an X Division triple threat main event tonight, and Aries will face off against the guy who he stole from, the newly renamed Manik. Hulk says he isn't finished yet, and he says Chris Sabin is the other guy in the match, then Sabin makes his way to the ring and Hulk says it's time for payback. Sabin says he wasn't sure he'd ever wrestle again, but he never gave up and he's back, and he earned the X Division title. Sabin says Aries stole it from him and he's a scam artist, but there's nothing anyone can do to stop him from winning back his title.

Christopher Daniels is telling some cameramen to go away and to stop harassing them, but the guy says they want to talk to Kaz, not him. Kaz says he bets they want to talk about his match with AJ Styles next, and he says it doesn't matter which version of AJ they get, because he's going to beat him. They say they know AJ very well, and Kaz says he's going to pick up some points tonight, and he's going to win a belt at Bound For Glory.

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