Saturday 6 July 2013

News » WWE Remembers Goldberg-Hollywood Hogan & More

WWE Remembers Goldberg-Hollywood Hogan, Ex-WWE Talent Spill Dirt On Bill DeMott, More
- Today marks as the fifteenth anniversary of the historic encounter between Goldberg and Hollywood Hogan, which saw Goldberg defeat the legendary wrestler for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship in front of more than 40,000 fans in the Georgia Dome. WWE is recognizing the anniversary of the match as its website has posted the bout in its entirety. WWE is calling it "the most important match in WCW Nitro history."
On October 8, WWE will release a DVD and Blu-ray compilation of Goldberg's biggest matches.
- The following was issued: Former WWE NXT talents Chase Donovan and Chad Baxter joined former WWE developmental wrestler Kevin Matthews and J-Silva on their Two And A Half Wrestlers podcast. This is a must listen as Chase and Chad dropped some major bombshells on Bill Demott which includes a second-hand story of DeMott pulling out a gun in front of some trainees, firsthand accounts of him hitting talents on the back with a yardstick, using homophobic slurs daily, telling talents to go kill themselves, bullying and over training talents, getting Cena's trainer fired, etc. This is a must listen!

Source : WrestlingInc

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