Tuesday 22 May 2012

News » WWE Lists Top 50 WCW Stars Of All Time

WWE has released a new "list," this one covering the "Top 50 WCW Superstars." WWE noted the list only covers WCW's Ted Turner era from 1988 to 2001, only counts a wrestler's accomplishments in WCW, and is based on "everything from longevity to cultural impact."

WWE's 1-50 list:

(1) Sting
(2) Ric Flair
(3) "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan
(4) Goldberg
(5) Kevin Nash
(6) Diamond Dallas Page
(7) Lex Luger
(8) Booker T
(9) "Macho Man" Randy Savage
(10) Scott Steiner
(11) Big Van Vader
(12) Scott Hall
(13) Dean Malenko
(14) "Psycho" Sid Vicious
(15) "Stunning" Steve Austin
(16) Ron Simmons
(17) Arn Anderson
(18) Eddie Guerrero
(19) The Giant (Big Show)
(20) Brian Pillman
(21) Rick Steiner
(22) Rey Mysterio
(23) Barry Windham
(24) Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
(25) Eric Bischoff
(26) Rick Rude
(27) Chris Jericho
(28) Buff Bagwell
(29) Billy Kidman
(30) Raven
(31) The Great Muta
(32) Lance Storm
(33) Terry Funk
(34) Konnan
(35) Lord Steven Regal (William Regal)
(36) Ultimo Dragon
(37) Cactus Jack (Mick Foley)
(38) Michael "P.S." Hayes
(39) Curt Hennig
(40) "Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan
(41) Bret Hart
(42) Dustin Rhodes (Goldust in WWE)
(43) Saturn
(44) Bobby Eaton
(45) Kanyon
(46) Larry Zbyszko
(47) Meng
(48) Dennis Rodman
(49) Juventud Guerrera
(50) Jeff Jarrett

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