Thursday 24 May 2012

WWE Live Event Result (24 May 2012)

WWE SmackDown Live Event Result (24 May 2012) from poughkeepsie, NY.

- Lilian Garcia opened the show by singing the national anthem.

- Sin Cara & Tyson Kidd def. Hunico & Camacho after Sin Cara pinned Hunico.
No botched spots from Sin Cara, who looked pretty good when he was in the ring, although Kidd worked the majority of the match.

- Jinder Mahal def. Yoshi Tatsu.

- U.S. champion Santino Marella def. Jack Swagger with the cobra.

- Ezekiel Jackson def. Drew McIntyre.

- The Big Show cut a promo saying that he expected the crowd to be sympathetic to him since everyone has lost a job at some point, and he did what he needed to do to get his job back.

- Big Show def. The Great Khali with the WMD.

- Randy Orton def. Kane with an RKO.

- WWE Divas Champion Layla def. Natalya.

- WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian def. Cody Rhodes with the KillSwitch.

- World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus def. Alberto Del Rio and Daniel Bryan in a triple threat match after pinning Bryan with a Brogue kick.
Mick Foley was the enforcer outside of the ring and didn't do much until the end, when he prevented Ricardo Rodriguez from entering the ring and interfering. After the match, Foley cut a promo thanking everyone in the main event for the great match they had.

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