Thursday 17 May 2012

Wwe Nxt Result ( 16 May 2012 ) Johnny Curtis hits the ramp to start the show. He is followed by Percy Watson.

- Percy Watson vs. Johnny Curtis     

William Regal says that if he were to wrestle Curtis, he would make sure Curtis had a shower first. Watson gets control of the match with his speed. Curtis ambushes Watson through the ropes and starts a power-based offensive streak.
Regal says that the "MVP" of NXT: Redemption has been Maxine, because she has made the biggest impact on the show. Watson makes a comeback with double dropkicks and a throw. The Highsman draws a near fall. Curtis slips out of the Perscution and counters with a brainbuster for the win.

WINNER: Johnny Curtis.

- Great Khali & Ezekiel Jackson vs. Tyler Reks & Curt Hawkins - Tag Team Match

Khali and Hawkins start the match, with Hawkins eating Khali's offense. Jackson tags in and Hawkins scrambles to tag Reks in. Reks has a spot of offense, but makes the mistake of mouthing off to Jackson. Meanwhile, Regal reminds viewers of when he led a stable with Jackson and Kozlov.

Reks and Hawkins isolate Jackson. Jackson finally brings in Khali, who single-handedly chumps both Reks and Hawkins. Khali then hits Reks with the Punjabi Plunge for the win.

WINNERS: Great Khali & Ezekiel Jackson.

- Kaitlyn vs. Maxine

Maxine has a new ring outfit - pleather plants and a shiny bra-like top, which is definitely a change from her usual nightie and fishnets. I think Kaitlyn has yet another new song, too. Kaitlyn with a takedown and a jackknife to start. Maxine looks for a quick tap out with the Reverse Dragon sleeper, but Kaitlyn fights out. Kaitlyn wants a delayed vertical suplex, but Maxine fights out. Maxine tricks Kaitlyn, then goes on the attack with malice.

Camel Clutch from Maxine looks like it hurts. Kaitlyn puts Maxine's face into the turnbuckle and gets in some offense. Kaitlyn is bleeding from the mouth. Maxine wants a headlock of sorts and transitions to a neckbreaker. Maxine with a standing Camel Clutch but Kaitlyn escapes, reverses it into a full nelson sit out slam, and then locks on a full nelson with her legs. Maxine taps.

WINNER: Kaitlyn.

- Raw Rebound - Big Show gets fired Video.
- John Cena Make-a-Wish package airs.

- Tyson Kidd vs. Derrick Bateman vs. Michael McGilicutty - Triple Threat Match

McGillicutty ducks out of the ring early and tells Kidd and Bateman to go at it instead. Nice technical wrestling between Kidd and Bateman. They show some good sportsmanship, and McGillicutty mocks them. Kidd and Bateman leave the ring and surround McGillicutty and double team him. The team doesn't survive as Bateman tries a schoolboy on Kidd from behind. McGillicutty keeps Bateman out of the ring. Bateman re-enters and Kidd tricks Bateman into creaming McGillicutty.
Kidd and McGillicutty are going back-and-forth and Bateman struggles to get into the match. Bateman finally gets a chance to unload on McGillicutty. Now Kidd is involved. Bateman with some offense on Kidd but McGillicutty gets into it. Bateman with a suplex to a bridge, but Kidd hits Bateman with a springboard elbow for a nearfall, then he rolls over the McGillicutty for a nearfall. Lots of pin attempts and break-ups. Regal gives Bateman some praise despite cutting him down earlier in the match.

McGillicutty fights out of Bateman's superplex attempt, Kidd charges Bateman, but Bateman sends him flying head-first into McGillicutty, who goes crashing to ringside from the top rope. Kidd slips by Bateman and locks in the Sharpshooter. Bateman almost gets a rope break, but Kidd turns the Sharpshooter into the Dungeon Lock. Bateman taps just before McGillicutty is able to break it up.

WINNER: Tyson Kidd

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