Sunday 20 May 2012

Over The Limit » Brodus Clay Vs The Miz

Continued loser Brodus Clay roll him a coward in the WWE over the limit, compared with polar his defeat, the former WWE ChampionThe Miz in Raleigh, North Carolina, PNC Arena.

The match was replay the match of this month, earlier in the daySuperShow crude, a contest that handed over most hard challengeFunkasaurus so far. After falling to the great Clay that night, and came one excellent Raleigh looking for a fight.

Braggart and screaming has already busy evening, and see theearlier work as runner-up in "people power" Battle Royale, and getting close to first row in the ring to one of thesignature intimacy is inappropriate. Surprised when a distinction is not arrogantly declared himself to be the best dancer of the manfrom the stench of the planet. Embark on what is believed to flaunt itmoves the crowd his best not care to North Carolina, has beencharacterized in a claim quickly to rest by the sight of the fortunateFunkadactyls. The match in itself a cause of back and forth, and includes former speed WrestleMania main eventer and malignant, and the power indisputable and Funkasaurus.

The besieged, "you should see most of the WWE Champion in history," and struggling to bounce back since they lost the title more than one year ago. In over the limit, and it was impressive, andnailing his rival with a powerful shot to the latest ring of steel andseveral shoes on his face. But in the end, it was The Miz who are inneed to call momma to him, submit to strength of Clay and splashodor. Retreat and an excellent one in the locker room licking his wounds while Brodus, Naomi, Cameron, and young people from the WWE Universe was celebrated with the grooves of their own.

He had a reason to party. Match after match, and continue to providehis rivals Funkasaurus extinct.
The Miz tells the WWE Universe he thinks Brodus Clay is downright pathetic. The Awesome One claims he's the best dancer in WWE, not The Funkasaurus, and he's going to prove it. The Miz shows off his "Thriller"-like dance moves.

But The Miz's dance is quickly cut short when Clay arrives with the Funkadactyls. The WWE Universe in Raleigh, N.C., cheers for the trio of entertaining dancers.

Once the dancing ended, Clay and The Miz take their rivalry to the mat.

The Funkasaurus makes The Miz pay for his insulting words before the match.

It's only a matter of time before Clay levels his opponent, keeping his winning streak intact.

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