Saturday 12 May 2012

25 Power Ranking Of 12 May 2012.''Now This Week 1st Ranker Is John Cena''

This Week's Power 25 (12 May 2012)

25 - Beth Phoenix (▲)
24 - Kelly Kelly (▲)
23 - Antonio Cesaro (▲)
22 - Dolph Ziggler (▲)
21 - The Miz (▼)
20 - Titus O'Neil & Darren Young (▲)
19 - AJ (▲)
18 - Eve (▲)
17 - Cody Rhodes (▼)
16 - Layla (▲)
15 - Ryback (▲)
14 - Kofi Kingston & R-Truth (-)
13 - Mark Henry (▼)
12 - Brodus Clay (▲)
11 - Big Show (▼)
10 - Lord Tensai (▲)
09 - Kane (-)
08 - Daniel Bryan (▲)
07 - Randy Orton (▼)
06 - Santino Marella (▲)
05 - Alberto Del Rio (▲)
04 - CM Punk (▼)
03 - Sheamus (▼)
02 - Chris Jericho (▲)
01 - John Cena (-)

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