Sunday 20 May 2012

Over The Limit » John Cena Vs John LAURINAITIS

Full story & photo & result WWE Over the Limit 2012 | 20-05-2012    

The WWE Universe cannot believe Big Show's actions and Laurinaitis' shocking win over Cena. JOHN CENA VS. JOHN LAURINAITIS | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | WWE Over the Limit 2012 | Full story & photo & result 20-05-2012
Was beaten and beaten by John Cena and concentrated extensively in the game where the profession of the Director-General based onparanoia and was on the line, smashed Mr. Laurinaitis with a steel chair, sprayed by a fire extinguisher and knocked with the bell ring as he fought to escape from the challenge before him. Discussed by the Executive Committee to be only a three-count found himself far fromthe line of high unemployment when something happens.
Shock WWE fans packed into the arena of Raleigh's PNC Arena,and show a great big stormed the ring and helped the man who shot him Monday night in the way the WWE Universe did not expect to see.

He was sporting the largest in the world did not change the result is clear from this match, and the landscape of the WWE look right a lotdifferent now.) No. polarization since I realized full power both raw and Smackdown, John Laurinaitis sparked intense debate when there-predictable and Brock Lesnar to episodes of WWE. Former MMAfighter went promoted as the new face of the company by theDirector-General, to end a nearly career John Cena at WWEExtreme Rules before leaving the WWE and then threaten to sue for millions.

As if Mr. Laurinaitis did not create sufficient trouble, and the appointment of the executive branch then dangerous Tensai Lordand his underling, Sakamoto, to help him in the vicious attack onCena the night after encountering with super star Lesnar. Afterruthlessly targeting arm leader in Cenation and wounded, crazedLaurinaitis announced he would meet with Sina and one on one in the WWE over the limit.

JOHN CENA VS. JOHN LAURINAITIS | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | WWE Over the Limit 2012 | Full story & photo & result 20-05-2012
Perhaps the most baffling managerial decisions since Mr. McMahonmasterminded the kidnapping of his daughter during the WWE"Attitude Era". The man, suit and tie, willingly stepping into the ringwith former WWE Champion 10 times? It was madness. Laurinaitisis probably the one time in Tarah hardnosed respected in the worldof professional wrestling Japanese, but that was more than a decade. The executive branch did you really think that he could provehe was against the man who just stood toe to toe with Brock Lesnarwon?

As it turns out, he did. Well, he did until WWE’s Board of Directors stepped in. Decreeing that not only would John Laurinaitis  be fired if he lost the match, but any contracted Superstar who interfered in the bout would also be terminated, the committee stacked the deck against the already in-over-his-head GM.

Clearly lacking confidence after the Board rejected his last minute plea to reverse at least one of the stipulations, Laurinaitis sulked to the ring like a man headed down the green mile. If the self-proclaimed Mr. Excitement wasn’t such a conniving egomaniac, the WWE fans may have felt sorry for him. Instead, they cheered John Cena  on as he picked apart Mr. Laurinaitis in a bout that resembled more of a televised mugging than a sports-entertainment showdown.

Out of nowhere, Show nails Cena with the WMD, helping Laurinaitis get the pin. JOHN CENA VS. JOHN LAURINAITIS | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | WWE Over the Limit 2012 | Full story & photo & result 20-05-2012
Senna took enjoyable in slow manhandling the executive who planned the attack on the ring to him and he empty the trash can over his head, the great Johnny, and pour it from fire extinguishers, securehim in the STF for 10 second bursts of brutality. Pay when it launchedLaurinaitis briefly re-emerged through the acquisition of steel chair, and the price when Senna drove a large piece of metal right in his face red.

Director-General of the night just got worse when the man who calledon Monday night - The Big Show - appeared suddenly among theWWE fans in PNC Arena, and dragging Laurinaitis down back to thesquared circle of his neck. He was flanked by the two sides by theleader Cenation and sports the largest in the world, do clearlyExecutive. And happened after that.

With Laurinaitis propped on the shoulders of Senna, only momentsaway from the feeling of AA, led the Big Show hammer his countryfrom the grip of a bull immediately in the jaw Cena. This was the last thing WWE Universe expect to see from the giant, who washumiliated by the GM, but there was no error occurred. Largest in the world sports KO'd leader Cenation baptized and saved a careerJohnLaurinaitis ". And since the introduction of Super Star was notcontracted, there was nothing WWE Board of Directors can be doneabout it.

The attackthat took place in a bold move by the Big Show, on purpose to save his own life? Or was it part of the plot is beautifullyconstructed, pieced together by Mr. Laurinaitis and his adviserssharply David Otunga and Eve? However, there will be hell to pay upwhen John Cena on Raw.

Executive Vice President of Talent Relations and General Manager of Raw and SmackDown John Laurinaitis prepares to face John Cena. If the man behind "People Power" loses, he will be terminated, per WWE's Board of Directors. JOHN CENA VS. JOHN LAURINAITIS | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | WWE Over the Limit 2012 | Full story & photo & result 20-05-2012

Nothing would make Cena happier than to see Laurinaitis out of WWE. JOHN CENA VS. JOHN LAURINAITIS | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | WWE Over the Limit 2012 | Full story & photo & result 20-05-2012

Cena immediately goes on the offensive and takes it to the executive. JOHN CENA VS. JOHN LAURINAITIS | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | WWE Over the Limit 2012 | Full story & photo & result 20-05-2012

The Cenation Leader brutalizes Big Johnny all around ringside. JOHN CENA VS. JOHN LAURINAITIS | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | WWE Over the Limit 2012 | Full story & photo & result 20-05-2012

Cena douses Laurinaitis with water ...

... and sprays him with a fire extinguisher. JOHN CENA VS. JOHN LAURINAITIS | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | WWE Over the Limit 2012 | Full story & photo & result 20-05-2012

JOHN CENA VS. JOHN LAURINAITIS | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | WWE Over the Limit 2012 | Full story & photo & result 20-05-2012

JOHN CENA VS. JOHN LAURINAITIS | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | WWE Over the Limit 2012 | Full story & photo & result 20-05-2012

Cena delivers a crushing elbow. JOHN CENA VS. JOHN LAURINAITIS | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | WWE Over the Limit 2012 | Full story & photo & result 20-05-2012

JOHN CENA VS. JOHN LAURINAITIS | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | WWE Over the Limit 2012 | Full story & photo & result 20-05-2012

JOHN CENA VS. JOHN LAURINAITIS | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | WWE Over the Limit 2012 | Full story & photo & result 20-05-2012

Cena locks Laurinaitis in the STF submission maneuver. JOHN CENA VS. JOHN LAURINAITIS | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | WWE Over the Limit 2012 | Full story & photo & result 20-05-2012

Laurinaitis attempts to escape through the crowd, but the recently fired Big Show is present to drag Johnny back to the ring. JOHN CENA VS. JOHN LAURINAITIS | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | WWE Over the Limit 2012 | Full story & photo & result 20-05-2012

Out of nowhere, Show nails Cena with the WMD, helping Laurinaitis get the pin. JOHN CENA VS. JOHN LAURINAITIS | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | WWE Over the Limit 2012 | Full story & photo & result 20-05-2012

The WWE Universe cannot believe Big Show's actions and Laurinaitis' shocking win over Cena. JOHN CENA VS. JOHN LAURINAITIS | Sunday, May 20, 2012 | WWE Over the Limit 2012 | Full story & photo & result 20-05-2012

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