Monday 7 May 2012

Raw » 7 May 2012 » Result (Paul Heyman Returned,Brock Lesnar Quit WWE & More

Raw opened with a video recap of last week's attack and beatdown by John Laurinaitis, Lord Tensai, and Sakamoto on John Cena. Laurinaitis arrived out after the video to address the people from the ring.

He said he will not allow anyone to challenge his authority or leadership skills, including John Cena, who publicly humiliated him last week. JL said he lost his temper, and when that happens he goes into a fit of destruction that nobody can withstand. He added he has not been reprimanded by the Board of Directors because they understand he's tough, but fair.

He said Cena won't be there tonight, so he can do therapy on his elbow, so at OTL he has no excuse when he's defeated. JL added that Michael Cole will interview John Cena live via satellite and apologize for making fun of his voice last week. JL said if anyone makes fun of his voice again, they'll suffer severe consequences. He said he was injured by Dr. Death Steve Williams in Japan, causing his voice to be like this. He had slideshow photos shown from his older wrestling days when hew as a champion repeatedly.

JL talked about how for one night only, it will be Cena vs. Big Johnny at Over the Limit PPV. He finished by saying God bless everyone for People Power, in the arena, and God have mercy on John Cena. CM Punk's music hit and he came to the ring to speak. Punk said for being the brains behind People Power, JL doesn't seem to know what the people want. He said what the WWE Universe doesn't want to see, is John Laurinaitis.

Punk went on about how nobody wanted to pay to see Laurinaitis wrestle, so he went to Japan. Punk said he was a joke then, and is still a joke. Punk said he's going to watch John Cena beat John Laurinaitis at the PPV. Punk continued to berate Laurinaitis, causing JL to book Punk to fight against Lord Tensai tonight. Punk said he saw that coming because Laurinaitis seems to like hiding behind talented big men. He said he looks forward to tonight's challenge and to seeing John Cena twist him into a pretzel at OTL.

Laurinaitis was seen texting backstage when he bumped into someone and saw it was Big Show. He started yelling at Show telling him to get out of the way when his boss was walking through. Laurinaitis called Show stupid, then walked off texting. Show began mocking JL's voice and then Eve showed up. She eyed Show disapprovingly. He shot a glare back and then left to go out to the arena.

Big Show defeated Cody Rhodes by countout in an Intercontinental Championship match. Late in the match, Show threw Rhodes across the ring, then got ready for the WMD punch. Rhodes was up then rolled out of the ring. He grabbed his belt from Justin Roberts and tried to leave, with Show heading him off. He tossed Cody back in the ring, but Rhodes escaped out the other side and headed up the ramp.

Show got on the mic, post-match telling Cody not to take the cowardly way out. Just then, Eve's music hit and she came to ring demanding an apology from Show for mocking Laurinaitis' voice earlier. Show said "I'm sorry," but Eve wasn't satisfied and berated Show telling him to "apologize." Show humbled himself and made more of an apology, with Eve smiling about it as he left the ring.

R-Truth and Kofi Kingston arrived out for Kofi's match against Dolph Ziggler. Michael Ealy and Warren Kole of the new USA show "Common Law" were show in the front row at Raw.

Abraham Washington was shown backstage watching the Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler match along with Rosa Mendes, Primo and Epico. The camera revealed Mason Ryan standing nearby to watch, with AW eyeing him up and down. Cole said he heard AW is trying to sign any talent he can find in WWE right now.

Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston by pinfall. Late in the match, there was a commotion with Truth getting on the apron and the ref reprimanding him. Meanwhile, Kofi was on the corner for a high risk move and Jack Swagger yanked his leg, causing Kofi to hit face first on the mat. Ziggler followed with ZigZag for the win.

They showed John Cena backstage in a sling talking with a WWE staff guy holding a water bottle.

Michael Cole got into the ring and conducted an interview with John Cena via satellite. Cena said he's having to get his elbow drained each week. Cena said there are some doctors suggesting he shouldn't compete in the next few months. Cena said he doesn't care if he has his arm removed, nothing will keep him from competing at Over The Limit. Cena also said the Board of Directors contacted him. He said he told them not to fire Laurinaitis until after he kicks his ass at Over The Limit. Cole suggested that maybe Cena is scared of Mr. Laurinaitis. Cena laughed it off saying he's scared that Laurinaitis will hurt himself before he can get his hands on him. Cena vowed to kick John Laurinaitis' ass in 13 days at Over The Limit.

Kelly Kelly and Layla were shown walking backstage on their way out for the next match.

Kelly Kelly and Layla defeated Maxine and Natalya by pinfall. Beth Phoenix joined Cole and Lawler for commentary on the divas tag match. Late in the match, Layla was in control against Maxine. Natalya got on the apron to distract, but Kelly rushed around the side of the ring and yanked her off to the floor. Meanwhile, Layla hit her finisher the Lay Out for the win. Post-match, Layla and Kelly celebrated the win, with Beth standing up from commentary to stare at Layla. Beth takes on Layla at Over the Limit for the Divas title.

They rolled a YouTube video clip to promote "Santino's Foreign Exchange" with Cole plugging it as one of WWE's many new original online video shows.

Chris Jericho and Alberto Del Rio defeated Sheamus and Randy Orton by pinfall. Late in the match, Orton came in to fight and hit the RKO on Del Rio, causing him to roll out of the ring. Jericho and Sheamus were legal, with Jericho about to sneak up on Orton. Sheamus was behind Jericho and went for a Brogue Kick with Jericho ducking and Orton getting kicked instead. Jericho followed up with a Codebreaker on Sheamus for the win.

Post-match, Sheamus went over and helped Orton up. With Orton trying to brush him off. Orton suddenly hit the RKO on Sheamus to lay out Sheamus face first on the mat.

Backstage, Laurinaitis was talking to Eve about how insincere Big Show's apology was in the ring. Chris Jericho came in to the picture as Eve left. Jericho said he should get a title shot for defeating Sheamus tonight. Del Rio came in saying he should get one. Orton came in suggesting he deserves one. A brawl started up with Sheamus coming in and getting involved. Laurinaitis told them to stop it. Sheamus and Orton got into each other's face about what happened in the ring. Orton put Sheamus on notice he's coming after his title. Sheamus told him to bring it any time. Laurinaitis pulled Sheamus aside saying he's gonna make the World Heavyweight Championship match at OTL a Fatal Fourway.

They had a previously-recorded video message from Brodus reminding everyone to "call your momma" for Mother's Day this Sunday. The Miz arrived out asking "Really? I have to go against this and not compete for the WWE championship." Miz told Brodus to call his momma and tell her "I'm The Miz and I'm awesome!"

Brodus Clay defeated The Miz by pinfall. Miz had control after Brodus chased him away from his dancers outside the ring. Brodus went to get back in the ring after Miz but Miz was ready to attack. He held the advantage from there and hit multiple moves on Brodus. However Miz went for a move from the corner, and Brodus caught him then tossed him overhead. Brodus finished with the Ah Funk It for the win. Naomi and Cameron rushed into the ring to celebrate the victory by dancing.

They showed a replay of the incidents from last week where Triple H came to the ring to confront Brock Lesnar with John Laurinaitis standing by. Triple H said that WWE won't be bowing down to Lesnar's demands, which upset Brock, causing him to attack HHH from behind and snap his arm.

Michael Cole said HHH suffered severe tendon and ligament damage in his elbow. Lawler added that HHH will require surgery for his arm. They said he has to wear a special mechanical arm brace, but is still able to conduct business as COO. They said next week HHH will speak live on Raw.

Cole said Brock Lesnar sent his legal representatives to give an update on his situation. Lesnar's music hit, ut Brock didn't arrive out. Instead Paul Heyman came down to the ring and announced he is the representative for Brock Lesnar, the most destructive force in WWE. Heyman discussed the verbal demands that Lesnar made and that were agreed to on live TV, meaning there's plenty of witnesses. Heyman said Brock Lesnar feels betrayed by the WWE Universe and that he isn't getting the respect he deserves. The speech ended with Heyman reading a statement from Brock which said he doesn't regret what he did to Cena, and doesn't care about Triple H, or the people. He said "I, Brock Lesnar, am never coming back. Because, I, Brock Lesnar, quit." Heyman threw the mic aside and left the ring.

Big Show was shown backstage having a conversation with the actors from the new USA show. They said they're investigators and will find out who Laurinaitis has photos of allowing him to keep his job. They kept joking around, with Show laughing about it all. When he turned around, Eve was standing there.

Lord Tensai and Daniel Bryan defeated CM Punk in a handicap match. Late in the match, Sakamoto started arguing with the ref, allowing Bryan to trip Punk down. Tensai then was able to slam Punk. He spit green mist onto his hand before applying his claw hold on Punk, slamming him to the mat for a pinfall. Post-match, Bryan did his "Yes! Yes! Yes!" chants at ringside. Post-match, Bryan put the Yes! Lock on Punk to cause more injury to him. Raw closed out after this.

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