Friday 11 May 2012

WWE Smackdown Result (11 May 2012)

A recap aired of the main event tag match from Monday’s Raw. It went over the finish with Chris Jericho pinning Sheamus, and the fallout after the match that led to the Fatal Four Way match being booked for Over the Limit.

In the arena, Sheamus’s music hit and he headed towards the ring. Lilian  Garcia announced this as a tag match.
Randy Orton entered second, followed by Chris Jericho and Alberto Del Rio. Ric Rod introduced Del Rio.

Sheamus & Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho & Alberto Del Rio

Jericho punches Orton in the corner but Orton reverses it and hits a clothesline, then he tags Sheamus and they have words before Sheamus gets in. He hits a shoulder block and hard tags Orton back in, then Jericho tags Alberto and he avoids a knee lift by Orton. Alberto starts to work on Orton's left arm, but Orton kicks him in the face then Sheamus gets the tag and he pounds on Alberto in the corner. Sheamus drops him with a fireman's carry slam and runs the ropes, but Jericho pulls them down and Sheamus falls out of the ring and Jericho kicks his shoulder. Jericho tags in after Alberto kicks Sheamus, and he puts him in a hammerlock but Sheamus makes it to his feet and clotheslines Jericho.

Orton tags in and hits Jericho with a powerslam, then he stops Jericho from crawling away and he drops him with a hanging DDT. Orton goes for a RKO but Jericho avoids it, then Orton hits a dropkick and Alberto breaks up the pin attempt. Everyone ends up in the ring and they start brawling, so the referee calls for the bell as other referees run out to try and break it up. Orton ends up fighting Alberto on the floor, then Sheamus clotheslines Jericho over the top rope as we go to a commercial. After the break, Michael Cole announces he has to read a Twitter message that Eve sent out just moments ago. He says Eve thought the match ending was unacceptable, and Orton will face Alberto and Sheamus will face Jericho in one-on-one matches later tonight.

Result - Double Disqualification

AJ vs Kaitlyn

AJ jumps Kaitlyn as the bell rings and she punches her in the head, then she ducks a clothesline and hits a neckbreaker and a running knee smash for the win. She goes right back after Kaitlyn after the bell, then Daniel Bryan comes out and AJ stops and looks shocked that he is coming to the ring. Bryan smiles and says he is impressed because she looked ruthless, and if she was sending him a message he got it. He says he sees her in a new light, and he wants to move past the tension in their relationship after he becomes WWE Champion. AJ smiles, but Bryan says he is looking forward to moving on, but he wants to move on to Kaitlyn, then AJ starts seething before she heads backstage while Bryan starts a YES! chant.

Winner - AJ

Daniel Bryan vs Big Show

Big Show corners Bryan and slaps him in the chest, then Bryan gets him down to one knee with some kicks but Show chops him in the chest. Bryan dropkicks his knee to keep him down, then he puts him in the YES! Lock, and the bell rings immediately but Show never tapped out. John Laurinaitis stands up (hiding at ringside) and declares Bryan the winner, then he gets in the ring and asks Show if he thought making fun of him was smart. Show says it wasn't funny, then John makes him repeat his apology and he says there isn't a place for a freak like him outside of wrestling. John says he is going to make him apologize again, and he is going to do it on RAW so it better be good, then he says he will shock the world at Over The Limit.

Winner - Daniel Bryan

Heath Slater vs Ryback

Heath Slater says his opponent might look like the perfection of evolution, but he thinks he is a caveman with a pea brain. Slater says Ryback hasn't beaten anyone yet, and he has yet to face him so he should get out there. Ryback comes out and avoids a neckbreaker, then he rams his shoulder into Slater. Ryback hits a powerslam, then he pulls him up and hits a Muscle Buster for the win.

Winner - Ryback

Alex Riley vs Antonio Cesaro

Antonio ducks a punch and takes Riley down with a waistlock takedown, then he pushes him into the corner and kicks him in the jaw. Riley whips him off the ropes and goes for a dropkick, but Antonio holds the ropes and drops Riley with a gutwrench suplex. Antonio puts him in an armlock but Riley fights out, then Antonio misses a running elbow and Riley clotheslines him. He goes for a spinebuster but Antonio yanks on his ear, then he uppercuts him and hits a Gotch neutralizer for the win. Aksana takes the mic and says she was just Teddy's friend, but Antonio is her lover, and she makes out with him and leaves Teddy dumbfounded.

Winner - Antonio Cesaro

Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio

Alberto punches Orton in the corner a few times then he attacks Orton's arm and chokes him on the ropes until the ref backs him away. Ricardo hits Orton behind the ref's back and Alberto bodyslams him for a two count, but Orton fights out of an hammerlock and punches him in the head. Orton hits some clotheslines and a powerslam, then he attempts a hanging DDT but Alberto kicks him in the shoulder and gets another near fall. Alberto repeatedly kicks him in the shoulder and runs off the ropes, but Orton counters with a backbreaker and gets a two count.

Alberto jumps up and kicks him in the shoulder and goes for a Cross Armbreaker, but Orton shoves him into the corner and hits a top rope hanging DDT. Orton sets up for a RKO but Ricardo climbs to the top rope, and he jumps off but Orton RKO's him and the ref calls for the bell. Alberto attacks Orton from behind and throws him shoulder first into the ringpost, then he attempts to put him in the Cross Armbreaker. He does some damage but Orton gets away as referees run out to stop him, and Alberto just laughs while Orton is attended to.

Winner (by disqualification) - Randy Orton

R-Truth (w/ Kofi Kingston) vs Jack Swagger (w/ Vickie Guerrero & Dolph Ziggler)

Swagger punches Truth in the corner and whips him across the ring, but he misses a corner splash and Truth hiptosses him back across the ring. Truth hits a legdrop for a two count, then he runs the ropes but Swagger catches him and slams him down before hitting a kidney punch off the ropes. Swagger goes for a backdrop but Truth counters with a DDT, then he avoids a corner clothesline and Truth gets another near fall rollup. Truth catches Swagger with a corkscrew elbow but Dolph breaks up the pin, then Truth goes out and gets in his face and Kofi dives on him. Swagger hits Truth on the floor and rolls him in, but Kofi hits an enziguiri while he gets in and Truth hits the Little Jimmy for the win.

Winner - R-Truth

Santino Marella & Zack Ryder vs Titus O'Neil & Darren Young

Titus bodyslams Santino and tags Young, then Santino tries to punch him a few times but Young slams him down then Titus suplexes Young onto Santino. He punches Santino in the head and they continue to use quick tags to keep him down, but Santino hits a jawbreaker and tags out to Zack. He knocks Titus off the apron and hits Young with a Broski Boot, then he calls for a Broski Boot but Titus distracts him and Young knocks him down. Santino comes over and teases him with the Cobra, but Young dropkicks him then Zack dives on Titus and brings Young back in. Young catches Zack offguard in the corner, then Titus helps him hit an elbow drop backbreaker for the win, and they declare themselves the next tag team champions after the match.

Winners - Titus O'Neil & Darren Young

Matt Striker joins Damien Sandow for an interview, and he asks him why he chose not to compete in his debut match. Sandow says his words were warped, but the people that the fans have on pedestal now are fakes. He says he will bring them into a new era of enlightenment, and he will be the beacon that they hope for. Sandow says the interview is over and Striker tries to leave, but Sandow puts his hand up and says 'You're Welcome' to "officially" end it.

Brodus Clay vs Hunico (w/ Camacho)

Hunico runs his mouth when he gets in the ring and Camacho hits Brodus from behind, then Hunico backs off but Brodus stands up and smiles. Brodus shakes and psyches himself up, then he pounds on Hunico in the corner and backdrops him after taking a boot to the face. He knocks Camacho off the apron and T-Bone suplexes Hunico, then he hits the Funk It splash for the win.

Winner - Brodus Clay

Chris Jericho vs Sheamus

Sheamus punches Jericho in the corner and sends him across the ring, but Jericho gets a boot up then Sheamus sends him to the apron and clubs him in the chest as we go to a break. When we get back, Sheamus whips Jericho off the ropes but Jericho punches him and knocks him to the apron. Sheamus fights off a suplex attempt but Jericho snaps his arm on the ropes, then Jericho slams Sheamus into the ringpost and the ref starts counting. Sheamus makes it back in the ring, but Jericho attacks his shoulder then goes for a Lionsault, only to have Sheamus roll away.

Sheamus hits a shoulder block and avoids a Walls of Jericho attempt, then Sheamus goes for a fireman's carry slam but Jericho counters with Walls of Jericho. Sheamus makes it to the ropes to break the hold, then Jericho ends up on the floor and Alberto runs out and throws him headfirst into the ring steps. Alberto jumps in the ring and puts Sheamus in the Cross Armbreaker, but Orton runs out and fights him off, but Sheamus stands up and gets in his face. Jericho rolls in and hits Alberto with a Codebreaker, then Orton tries to one up Sheamus by dropping Alberto with a RKO. He mouths off to Sheamus, but Sheamus doesn't look phased and he hits Alberto with a Brogue Kick, then mouths off to Orton as Smackdown ends.

Winner (by disqualification) - Chris Jericho

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