Wednesday 9 May 2012

WWE Smackdown Spoiler (11 May 2012)

Dark Match:

- Bo Rotunda def. Derrick Bateman.

SmackDown, Airing Friday:

- Sheamus and Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho and Alberto Del Rio ended in a DQ.
A big brawl broke out and referees came out to separate the four players in the Over The Limit Fatal Four Way match.

- A.J. def. Kaitlyn. A.J. destroyed her.
Daniel Bryan came out and saw A.J. in a new light. He said that after he wins the WWE Championship, he's moving on to Kaitlyn.

- Daniel Bryan def. Big Show via John Laurinaitis's ruling.
Laurinaitis interrupted the match and called it in favor of Bryan, claiming Big Show tapped. Laurinaitis then ordered Big Show to apologize again.

- Ryback def. Heath Slater.
Before the match, Heath Slater came out and talked crap about Ryback. He called him a caveman with a peanut brain. Ryback came out and squashed him.

- Antonio Cesaro (w/Aksana) def. Alex Riley.
Teddy Long handled the introductions. Aksana told Long that they are just friends, but she is lovers with Cesaro. Aksana and Cesaro made out in front of Long after the match.

- Randy Orton fought Alberto Del Rio to an apparent double DQ.
Ricardo interrupted Orton as he was preparing for the match. He jumped from the top rope and was RKO'd. The match was thrown out. Del Rio applied the cross arm breaker after the match.

- R-Truth (w/Kofi Kingston) def. Jack Swagger (w/Dolph Ziggler, Vickie Guerrero).

- Titus O'Neil and Darren Young def. Zack Ryder and Santino Marella.
Titus and Young ranted about being the next WWE Tag Champions.

- Matt Striker interviewed Damien Sandow and asked him why he didn't compete. Sandow spoke about being a savior to the masses and a light of beacon for enlightenment.

- Brodus Clay def. Hunico (w/Camacho).
Hunico and Camacho attacked Clay. Brodus came back and went Funkadellic and got the win.

- Sheamus def. Chris Jericho by DQ.
Alberto Del Rio interfered for hte DQ. Randy Orton ran out. Del Rio took finishers from the babyfaces, and Jericho ran away. Sheamus and Orton spoke face-to-face. Sheamus left.

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